Remember Your Dreams & Visions

Dreams & Visions


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the importance of remembering your dreams and visions.  We are entering the energetic field of potential where all things are possible.  As you hold the pieces of your karmic puzzle up for review, it is easy to begin to see how they all fit together and allow you to understand yourself more fully.

The clearer your dreams are, the more in touch with your feelings you are.  This is an important key to the overall success of your personal journey.  When you are no longer afraid of what you see, but begin to observe your actions and reactions in a way that says please tell me or teach me what I need to know about myself that will enhance my life and how I live it.

The dream and the dreamer are one and the same.  Each facet of your dream is being reflected through your awareness to show you something you may be missing or denying that will help you heal or grow.  These are keys to the cosmic puzzle that is you becoming consciously aware of your own power and greatness without the need to be afraid or judgmental about what that means.

DREAMS= unconscious truths being revealed
VISIONS= inspiration from your inner spirit to help guide you
IMAGES= a way of finding pieces to your cosmic puzzle
MESSAGES= the voice from within that speaks your own truth

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Setting Myself Free

Set Me Free

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires me to consider all of the things that are supposed to be bad for me.  When all of the fears, judgments, environmental issues, food warnings, health conditions and global unrest is energetically brought together into one moment . . . where is life meant to be lived?

So the soul within us has a choice in every moment and every breath, within each and every heart beat . . . believe or perceive which reality I choose to live in.  In the face of living with all of the limitations that are present in our changing world, is it really living at all?

The decision must be made with passion and finality.  I will live until I die to this world and transition on to the next, or I will give up my hopes and dreams and desires to the illusions of fear that my life is constantly in danger and not really live at all.  No longer can we stand with our feet apart with one on each side of the great divide.  A place must be chosen to allow ourselves to fully experience what we hold as sacred and true within our hearts.  Believe or don’t believe, but live it fully and passionately with all your heart.

I am no longer going to be afraid of death or destruction as a consequence for living.
I will not be afraid to live the way my heart desires and deserves.
I choose life abundantly and gregariously from this moment on.

LIVE=  the choice to experience living on earth with all your heart
LIFE= the energy force within each soul that inspires it to create and manifest
LIVE= the be in the now experience – this is not a dress rehearsal – be fully a-live

The Art Of Conscious Creation

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us focus on attracting the elements of love into our experience where we can embrace all that we are with dignity and integrity.  The deepest secrets that we hold within our hearts quite often are the same energy that keeps knocking at our door and wanting to come in.

The challenges that life is bringing to you are actually energies that are flowing through you.  Once you understand the concept of reflection, you will realize that the issues and attitudes that are surrounding you are a ripple effect coming from within you.  You are the pebble in your own pond.  It would be easier to just deny or blame others for this experience, but in the end you would not discover the gold at the other side of your celestial rainbow.

To every moment there is a counter moment that reveals the opposing points of view that help us fill in the full spectrum of what our personal limitations or illusions really are.  When you ‘think’ you are vulnerable and react in a ‘fearful’ way, you get to confirm your suspicions as being right.  However – the same holds true of the opposite choice – if you think you are ‘invincible’, and react in a ‘confident’ way – you can be right too.  The question is which one do you choose?

This is the beginning of a total transformation of our manifestation processes.  We are entering into the conscious creation realms of think it . . . feel it . . . have it . . . be it . . . in the blink of an eye.  Be careful what you ask for – you just might get it faster than you expected!

THINK IT= go ahead and imagine anything you desire or require
FEEL IT= allow your true feelings to respond instead of react to your ideas
BE IT= embodying the creation you are desiring or dreaming of – let it happen