TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us searching deeply within our soul self to discover our true roots.  This process has us feeling lost and alone at times as we desperately seek to find a place where we fit in.

It is so important to find a place where your heart can sing it’s song and be heard.  A circle of light where your brilliance shines and your uniqueness is celebrated.

So many times we feel that the only way we can fit in is to conform to the standards of those around us – this is the last place you should want to settle for.

Somewhere in your energy field is a beacon of light that we call ‘VIBRATION’ and it is set to a level where you are destined to dwell.  It is important to be patient with yourself while this search is taking place as it does not happen over night, and it does not require you to do or be anything other than yourself.  When you finally surrender to this blissful state of grace, your ‘TRIBE’ will begin to gravitate towards you and fill in that space of longing and loneliness.  Happiness is knowing you are loved and accepted exactly the way you are!

LONELY = the state where we feel we don’t fit in anywhere
LONGING = a deep desire to find a place of true acceptance
BELONGING = a natural state of grace where we find ourselves at home with others