Thanks Giving Blessing


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings an abundance of blessings to each and every soul that celebrates the love of friends and family.  There are so many ways we can bring a greater level of peace and prosperity to the world we live in.  The purpose of a soul journey is to receive as much as you give along the road of life challenges.

To love one must first embody that love.  To live one must first embrace the ability to live fully from the heart and to be happy, which requires that we learn to accept and respect each other just the way we are.  So when you say Happy Thanks Giving to friends who live in the USA, trust that you are also saying I am filled with so much happiness, thankfulness and forgiveness, that I can share it all around the world.

HAPPINESS= the one thing we must all achieve from within
THANKFULNESS= the many blessings we are able to acknowledge
FORGIVENESS= the infinite ways we are able to share the love & light of creation

The Shadow & The Light

The Infinite Journey


The Shadow Self

The place between the dark and light
That we would call day or night
The space between the rising sun
And where it sets when the day is done
A place where we begin to merge
As our energies fade or sometimes surge
The intimate place where shadows dwell
That soulful time between heaven and hell
A time when we all can learn to dance
Through the veils of time in a spiritual trance
Where all forms of life are cast in stone
And the human heart feels so alone
The dance begins to awaken the soul
And our hearts align to sum of the whole
Then the shadow self steps out in the light
And our wisdom awakens the true insight
The shadow fades and soul expands
As we journey home to sacred lands
The place where love embraces us all
And we forget the graceful fall
Our time has come to all return
And share the blessings of what we learned
The shadow and the light are one
They are reflected from the eternal sun
It is where our male and female unite
As the inner child whispers good night.

                      by Donna Hamilton 11.19.13

The Colours Of Our Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a closer look at the colours of our soul and what it means as a being of light.  We are composed of the full spectrum of light which when broken down becomes the rays of the rainbow.  Within each of us there are the individual colour centres known as chakras.  Within these energy centres, there is a point of balance where the masculine and feminine energies align together as one.

When our thoughts (masculine) and our feelings (feminine) are not in alignment with each other, we are in a state of imbalance which is reflected through judgement and fear. This is simply a way of recognizing there is an imbalance present.  It is not a failure, or defeated state that cannot be cleared or healed in the blink of an eye.  Balance is truly simple when you understand what it represents and how it can be reflected through us and to us from our inner and outer environments.

ROOT CHAKRA RED= the balance of faith & forgiveness
SACRAL CHAKRA ORANGE= the balance of creation & recreation
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA YELLOW= the balance of self & source
HEART CHAKRA GREEN= the balance of passion & compassion
THROAT CHAKRA BLUE= the balance of expression & communication
THIRD EYE CHAKRA INDIGO= the balance of impression & perception
CROWN CHAKRA PURPLE= the balance of humanity & divinity