TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  challenges us to embrace the idea that fear is the leading cause of unhappiness in our life, and that by giving into it, we allow the vibration of our shadow self to lead the way every day.

When we realize that FEAR is designed to give us keys and clues to healing our shadow self where the judgments of our imperfections are hidden, we will shift our perception and begin to face those fears – FEARLESSLY.  Think of fear as an INVITATION to reconnect or restore the inner balance of our soul as we bring back the broken and lost pieces of ourself that we simply THOUGHT were unlovable.

Facing our fears can be an EXCITING adventure as we begin to see them as precious parts of ourself that we have been denying, avoiding or judging in ways that kept us in the darkness in a state of unhappiness that is only a self made prison where we are the ones that hold the key!  Once you establish the idea as an exciting way to reunite your inner self, with your higher self, by embracing your lower self and all it’s outer expressions we will begin to change our life in miraculous ways – the game is on and karma is complete!

These adventures will begin to build our confidence back up and our sense of self worth, self acceptance, self reliance and self love will nurture you back to full balance and a state of grace that will be well worth the effort.  This is a DELIGHTFUL process where we restore our own soul back to its original light body self with all of our gifts and abilities activated at a new level.  Empowerment is born of accepting we are loved, loveable and loving beings because we were born that way and it can never be lost or broken forever . . .

INVITING= the inner voice of our soul longing to be whole
EXCITING= the shift of perception from fear & judgment to acceptance
DELIGHTING= the feeling you get when you know who you are



Full Moon Dreaming

The Real Me

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to shine our inner light in a brighter way today.  Let go of the veils of illusion, the layers of deception, the reasons for living a less than loving life.  In these times of great changes, it is easy to try and ignore the blatant messages that keep surfacing for us to view and review.

As the images of our inner soul are being captured for our mind and emotions to witness, we have a choice to either pay attention to them, or to ignore them until they are so blown out of proportion we cannot miss them.  If you are not allowing the clearing of your conscience to take place, then chances are you are repeating some very intense patterns and programs that are filled with the full moon version of what you are meant to learn.

Stand back from each situation and view it from the place of where the moon stands in the stillness of the sky.  The horizon of your problems will shift and change, ebb and wane, rise and fall with every breath you take.  Let the rhythm of this motion bring into focus your most sacred self and allow the truth to be reflected to you in a very powerful way.

FULL MOON= a spot light that shines on you
FULL FEELING= a feeling that rises from within you
FULL VIEW= a revelation that awakens you
FULFILLED= a state of grace that defines you


Moon Maiden Blessings

Moon Maiden

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to hold onto the wave of love and light that is moving through our earth energy field.  This is a wave that is so intense and filled with light that it will appear to be overwhelming to some.  Just breathe.  Take each breath and allow yourself to inhale the very breath of your creator as the love builds a new bridge of light within your soul.

It has been a long time coming, and this ‘second’ coming of the light will enlarge your hearts capacity to love self and others.  The inner realms of glory will welcome this shift with open arms and heart.  So many have given up on this kind of love even existing and yet we assure you that the direction it is guiding you to and through will restore any doubts you might have had.

Faith and fear will dance in the moonlight together as they embark on a new relationship.  There will come a moment when you realize that the two are one and the same.  When you are in fear, your faith is supporting every step you take towards a better life.  When faith is in the lead – you will feel the fear that once held you back urging you forward and supporting your new direction.

FAITH= your inner guidance aligned to love and light
FEAR= your inner challenger that inspires you to feel the light
FIND= your inner compass to seek and search for more light
FOLLOW= your inner desire that helps you find the light
FOCUS=  your inner intention to be the light