Honour Traditions

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us gently by the hand and walks us down the path of joy and happiness.  This pathway is the least traveled by most souls these days as it is one that seems too far away to relate to.  Each step that we take is designed to reflect the thoughts and feelings we are having that create our current reality. Learn to listen to your own heart like the beat of a drum that calls you into being happy with who you are, right here, right now.

Right foot forward – thought creates opportunity and direction that you are choosing to take.  This sends out a signal to the universe of how we want to live right here.
Left foot forward – reflects how you feel about that thought and how it inspires you or affects your desires to follow your heart.  When we ignore our heart – we hurt or hate.

Most times lately we seem to be in a place of discontent and compare what our heart knows to be true with the actual life we are living.  There is plenty of confusion and conflict within our own life and certainly within the world we view.  It is time to return to what the heart knows as the truth of how mankind is meant to evolve.  A time of happiness is here to be discovered but it is not DOWN the path waiting for you to arrive, it is ON the path with you right now.

HAPPINESS= a pure sense of joy that comes with simply breathing and being
HAPPENING= the moment to moment opportunity to experience real happiness
HERE= our current state of being and place of existence that is always present – the present.

Magical Me Forgets How To Be

Magical Me

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: gently reminds us of our childhood dreams and desires to live a life that is filled with magic and wonder.  In the challenging journey of life we tend to forget that there are things that nourish our soul and feed our need to be happy.  The idea of happiness to our inner child is vitally important to our overall sense of wellbeing.

Spend some time going to a place within where you can reconnect to your inner child and rekindle the magical enthusiasm that makes life more exciting, interesting and worthwhile.  From this place of joyful wonder we can energize ourselves back into a balanced state of feeling good about ourselves again.  How long has it been since you had that amazing feeling of ‘life is good’.

Being thankful and grateful to soul self for all of the adventures we have been on, can shift the focus from what isn’t working back to what will work better in the now.  Our research from the past has purpose and value, but only when we use it to clear the past and create something new with it now.

WELLBEING= a state of grace where we live a happy life
WORTHWHILE= a feeling that creates satisfaction for our soul
WELLNESS= a balanced state of health where we feel good
WORTHY= a powerful state of self acceptance

Life’s Ups & Downs

Finding Balance


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  The intensity of anger reveals that we are in a place of recognizing a deep sense of unfairness.  The more we try and balance it – the more it reveals we are not in balance with ourselves and the world we inhabit.

Think of it like a teeter toter – when we are up – by putting someone else down it doesn’t feel good . . . and the other way around.  It symbolizes that we are in a position to make peace with the part of ourselves that we see in others and be willing to look straight across . . . eye to eye and say “I get it!,

I am you and you are me so we are both wanting the same thing here.  Lets just balance ourselves together – evenly and lovingly and create a better world by letting go of the idea we are different and that it is a bad thing.  Being different is a good thing as we learn to balance ourselves TOGETHER.

UP= thinking we are better than others
DOWN= feeling we are not as good as others
BALANCE= knowing we are equal to all others