TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Shares in inspirational message from Source that we are in a place of great transformation and change.  This awareness is no longer hidden, but directly in front of our souls vision each and every day.  The opportunity for change is infinite as we consider the ways we are being challenged to re-align our body, mind and soul to the new reality forming.

Here are some tools to use as we learn to focus more specifically on the key areas of our being that contain energy and an abundance of opportunity within us to make these shifts consciously.  We are able to self correct and connect through our inner guidance and our higher self support system in every moment.  The challenge comes when we are not clear energetically.  This usually happens in one system, which then puts all other systems on high alert or dysfunctional actions to signal the shift that is needed.

CLUTTER – when our mind is filled with confusion, memories, beliefs or misinterpretations that take us off focus and create illusions for us to follow.

CHAOS – fills our emotional body with all kinds of emotions that conflict or contradict our true feelings – this makes us feel disconnected and out of sorts.

CONGESTION – happens when our mind and emotions are not in alignment with our souls purpose and connection to Source.  Our systems slow down, malfunction or fail to operate properly.  This is the moment when we should be moving into a state of concern and commit to getting reconnected and realigned properly.

CLARITY – seeking to clear all the irrelevant, irrational or irritating thoughts we are having can greatly help clear our mind of all the clutter.  When the mind is cleared, we will find the space and place within us begins to be organized and cleared – then we manifest that in the energy field around us with organization, cleaner spaces.

CALM – is the energy that floods into our feeling centre when release all the old emotions held onto or hidden in our body/being.  This opens up a sense of inner connection, strength and self confidence where we are able to move forward with ease.

CONNECTION – opens up our inner world of alignment to the Divine Mother and our outer world with the Divine Father

CORRECTION – when we are able to consciously create our own clearing within and reconnect to the source of our supply in a natural flow which supports healthy function.  



Well ~ Wellness ~ Wellbeing ~ Wealth

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to allow the very essence of the Divine to pour into and through our being with an endless flow of health and vitality.  The source of our supply is being increased to accommodate all of the prayers and desires being put forth into the collective.  We are being shown that there are no longer any reasons for limitation to hold us back, or keep us from our hearts dreams and purpose.

As the abundant flow of the essence of life moves into our crown, it then gently flows down through each of the chakras and fills them like a pool of endless love and vitality.  It is up to us to allow that energy to radiate inward,  outward and around us.  This increase of cosmic light and abundant radiance can clear any and all former illusionary limitations, imbalances, fears, judgements, worry or sense of lack.  The more you fill your well of wellbeing, the more you will experience the expansion of love and light in your life that reflects wealth and wellness.

Take a few moments and just breathe in the idea, expand it into a full breath of acceptance, and then breathe out any resistance or reluctance that might keep it from happening.  It is as simple as we allow it to be, and yet as profound as it is meant to be . . . breathe in . . . breathe out . . . and so it  begins.

WELL= the vessel we call our energetic body that is dimensional
WELLBEING= the state of grace we find when we love ourselves fully
WELLNESS= the physical expression of our inner beliefs and state of mind
WEALTH= the overall fulfillment of our souls ability to fully love and share love


Blue Moon Alignment

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings alignment to our entire being by helping us understand the importance of having balance at every level.  This is part of karmic completion and cosmic alignment that will help us raise our vibrations to a higher frequency.

Each chakra is designed to contribute to the sum of the whole, not just in our own personal state of grace, but also contributing to the entire collective.  When we focus our own energy into a pure white light, we anchor the concept of love deeper within ourselves, but also adding to the greater good for all.

HAPPINESS= the crown chakra where intuition and perception focus us on what is important and relevant to our wellbeing.
THANKFULNESS= the throat chakra that expresses our thoughts and feelings in loving and kind ways towards ourself and others.
WHOLENESS= the heart chakra radiates the purest form of love we are able to share, both giving and receiving at an equal rate.
FORGIVENESS= the solar plexus chakra where our sense of self worth, self acceptance and self confidence reflects our level of self love.
GRATEFULNESS= the sacral chakra where we express our creativity and productivity by feeling good about who we are and what we represent in our personal space & community.
PEACEFULNESS= the root chakra where we overcome our need for judgement, measurement, guilt, shame and the need to blame, where we are no longer afraid of who we are or why we are here.  We just radiate love of self and share it openly with others.