
Maternal Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals a very challenging side of ourselves that makes up the sum and total of our human experience in a profound way.  We are ever the child within, and many of our chosen life lessons come from our inner child’s reactions to what is taking place in our day.  Even though we can chronologically grow older, our inner sanctum is forever young.  That is why so many older generations will say I do not feel this old . . . even though I know many years have passed.

Our inner child emotional level never exceeds the age of 3.  By this time we have been able to access our world and set our value system going forward.  If we are raised in a loving, caring and safe environment, then our life tends to be generous, kind and productive.  If on the other hand our beginning experiences are fearful, judgmental and harsh, we set our intentions and directions on survival and security at all costs.

The perfect balance is achieved by allowing the natural flow of life challenges to come and go in the daily river of life and become the observer of our circumstances so we can learn without reacting or shutting down our growth.  When we are not in action, we are in reaction.  One or the other will lead us on the roller coaster ride of life.  If we don’t like what is happening . . . changing how we react to it is the first step to successfully conquering the lesson which then becomes the blessing.

CHILDLIKE= the part of us that is vulnerable or needy yet innocent
CHILDISH= that part of us that is judgmental, fearful or critical
CHILDHOOD= that part of us that we keep hidden beneath the ‘hood’ where our personal identity is protected or defended.

We All Need Encouragement

Transformational Door

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers words of encouragement to those of us who have had enough of the trauma and drama of life and just want to live in peace.  The voice of our own soul is permeating our inner sanctuary and lifting our spirits to a higher vibration.  It is up to us to listen, to hear, to see and to allow the shift of consciousness that is taking place to bring a more open minded/hearted state of grace.

That chronic voice of criticism must be silenced if we are going to live beyond the guilt, shame and blame we all like to pass around like a false flag of faith.  Our inner critic has been giving us advise and suggestions since childhood.  If you are tired of that whiney child that cries to you in the night, then you need to consider giving it enough love and attention that it feels nothing but love from now on.

Learning to be complimentary to others is a pretty safe and easy step to take as we know we need to be kinder and more compassionate, but having that same level of compassion for our own inner spirit takes some serious focus and dedication.  Each time that voice comes to challenge you or berate you – embrace it with love.  No matter what it is telling you or suggesting to you that you may or not be worthy and loveable – love it anyway and love it genuinely.

THE CRIER= those moments when we are being childish
THE CRITIC= those moments when we are judging unfairly
THE CRONE= those moments when we love the unloveable



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the simple power of attitude and how it can make your life more stable, or create a little more chaos if you are not quite done with learning from it.

Each part of your inner processing allows you to carry the images of your beliefs forward into manifesting experiences that support it. If you believe life is meant to be difficult and hard in order to be worthwhile, then shazzam – you get to be right.

If on the other hand you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you can begin to shift your perception to a simpler form of manifestation that creates helpful insights that uplift and carry you forward in a complimentary way.

DARE= believe in peace on earth even though others do not
DESPAIR= leave the past behind and create a new reality to share
DECLARE= receive a new perspective that sees life as precious and powerful with everything working out to benefit you.