Hare~Honey Bee~Humming Bird


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks us to take a look at our hard work and manifestation energy.  Are we still using the old program of ‘you have to work hard to get ahead?”  This is the way we keep our nose to the grindstone and never have a chance to look up or around to actually enjoy life.  How much do you do in a day that reflects the true joy and happiness you are longing for?

The time we spend with our focus on survival, success and service will reveal a lot about how much real life we have in the life we are living.  Just doing what is required to survive these days can make you exhausted and then the emptiness that comes with it.  Perhaps it is time to consider that how busy we keep ourselves may be the measurement of how desperate we are to avoid actually living the life we were designed to create!

So take a few moments and really look at your energy level – your busyness level – your happiness level and see if there is room for improvement or adjustment.

THE HARE= a wonderfully laid back day of eating greens and snoozing in the sun
THE HONEY BEE= a busy day of routine and missions to build up reserves
THE HUMMING BIRD= an intense day of seeking nectar but burning as fast you find it.

Life Is A Highway – Love Is The Fuel

Life is a hiway

Life is a Highway

We are each given a body or vehicle to drive for the duration of our adventure here on Earth.  How we use it, abuse it or misuse it is up to us.  The mileage that we get each moment depends on the amount of fuel we possess.  Love is the fuel that keeps us going no matter what the roadway of life challenges us with.

What kind of vehicle are you? and what kind of mileage do you get?
If we only have one heart that is filled with love – how far would you get today?
Are you on empty?  Have some love but loosing hope fast?
Keep filling but not getting anywhere?

Or are you allowing the constant flow of love to keep your engine running day and night?

Bus – likes to spend the day picking up other people who don’t have a ride or believe they don’t have a way to get to their destination.  This requires lots of time and energy to make all the stops to let people on and off your bus.

Trucks – are the believers in manual labour who feel it is important to work hard just to make a living by carrying other peoples stuff from place to place as a way of survival. They can be a little slow in getting around, but at the end of the day they go home empty.

SUV’s – are the trendy people who like to think they are working but spend most of the time trying to find a shortcut so they can make up for the lost time they spent thinking of all the things they should be doing – but don’t get around to them.  They take lots of detours and dead ends trying to find a faster way to get there.

Sports Cars – are the fashionable people who like to look good, feel good and go places fast.  They tend to be impatient and short tempered when things get in their way that they have to find a way to get around them so they don’t loose momentum.  They like to have the latest of everything but are not committed to anything for long – including people.

Econo Car – are the practical people who like to get a bargain and save time where ever they can.  They will go the extra mile to save a penny but spend it all getting there.  They like to think they are getting ahead by doing less or doing without so that they can enjoy more on a rainy day or find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They are so busy navigating the rainy days that they miss the moment.

Rent-a-wreck – are the broken people who have little to say or offer as they try and hide the fact they are in need of repair.  They quite often will have lots of ideas and opinions about how the world should be run, but can’t imagine themselves having the skills or abilities to make that difference themselves.  They are always being delayed getting where they want to go because of the breakdowns and repairs needed along the way.

Celebrating Mothers

See My Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an intimate view of the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters.  They are the reflection of love and light in its most benevolent form.  The life they share together is one of building, repairing or developing a trust in each other that may never be fully realized or understood.

A mother shares her body during the time she carries an infant as it develops its own life force and personality.  That tiny being is already a part of her that will never fully understand how much it took to make that journey.  Some women make it with the support of all their family and a world of friends who wish her well.  Some women make that journey with very little assistance to honour or celebrate her efforts to bring forth new life.  Neither one is more precious than the other.

A life, no matter how successful or troublesome in may be is still a gift of spirit to a world that relies on the diversity of souls to make it complete.  Each and every child is a gift of creation, a unique piece of the cosmic puzzle that makes humanity so worth experiencing.

MOTHER= a woman who gave life a soul on the journey of discovering love
CHILD= a soul who chose to come and share their journey with or without love
FAMILY= a circle of souls who are tasked with learning to love all types of children