TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: gives us a sneak peek into the world of peace beyond all of our current challenges.  We are experience a higher than normal volume of issues and attitudes that can be quite upsetting and overwhelming to the human soul.  Each time we feel we have mastered a new level of awareness, another layer presents itself for us to view and review until we understand the potential wisdom being offered to help us heal.

It is safe to say that never before has there been as much on our plate and in our face as there is right now.  Just as it feels like we should be entering into the land of luxury and leisure, we are propelled into the field of toil and labour again.  To some this will seem like a betrayal of our faith and service, but just hold on a little longer and you will begin to see the signs of relief and restoration unfolding right before your eyes.

If you are feeling angry – don’t ignore it – allow it to surface and find a way of venting it so you can release it into the universal energy realms for transformation.  If you are still playing many roles by acting out your illusions on the stage of life with lots of support from other actors and reactors – step off the stage by taking your final bow and accepting credit for a part well played that has taught you so much about illusionary living.

If you are in the place where you have truly been there . . . done that . . . learned the lesson and are simply ready to relax into the blessings of life, then you have completed your trials and tribulations and can retire your warriors role for a quiet life of living in the flow and loving your soul.

RAGE= the inner confinement that fear and judgment limit us to
STAGE= the outer world of illusionary living where we act out our judgments and fears
SAGE= the higher self fully awake and aware of the game of life and living it in love