A Child With Dreams

Child of Dreams


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us what it was like to be a child where all things were not only possible but believable.  We had the innocence of our faith in life and living it large as part of our inherent future.  The days were filled with mysteries and magic as we explored the unknown and made our own.

Within the heart of each adult lies the remains of this child still hoping things will work out or be better than they are.  The dreams and desires that were cherished and held with such enthusiasm are still lying deep within the folds of our heart map and can be remembered when it is time.

Your child like nature can influence the decisions you are making by distracting you from all the non-sense and bring you back to what really matters.  Am I loved, am I cherished, am I safe, am I worthy of your time and attention?  If you are feeling alone and ignored these days then it is time to unfold the blueprinted map within your heart and take a closer look at what still remains possible that was once a very significant dream you believed in.

DREAMS= a place where magic is alive and well
DESIRES= a feeling that guides you to the place you dreamed of
DESTINY= a celebration of spirit that calls you forward even now

The Galactic Warrior

Galactic Warrior

 TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites the inner warrior to step up and be present for the next few days.  Our Galactic Warrior is the one who stands guard over our minds and hearts while we take time to review the path we are on and reconnect to what matters.

If you have been distracted by all of the global activities that can make it feel we are not succeeding or arriving at the heaven on earth place, then you are not alone.  It is truly a challenge to hold the vision of a better world when we are witnessing the very opposite of what we are praying for.  Inside every soul is the warrior who knows how to take a stand and powerfully represent the universal light of truth.

Spend some time in meditation and reflection of how your own inner battles are waging war on your soul.  This is the most important job we can do right now, is to occupy our own energy field in a peaceful way.  Visualize peace, sense the importance of peace, release anything that you are holding onto that may contradict your belief in peace and you will contribute one of the most precious of all gifts to humanity.

PEACE= a place where equality honours each and every soul unconditionally
POWER= an energy we can choose to embody that is loving, kind, fair and true
PATIENCE= the greatest test for those who no longer choose to judge or fear
PROGRESS= the ultimate blessing that comes from learning our life lessons