A Transformation Is Taking Place











TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a very important message about our need for transformation.  This level of change affects the sum and the whole of who you are, and virtually the entire collective as it moves through the energy field of our planet.

Allowing ourselves to be real, truthful, honest and complete, makes all the difference between a world at war, and a world of peace.  We each contribute to the energy of war through our own inner battles at soul level.  This vibration reaches far beyond our own energy field, and fills the collective with static energy which initiates more of the same vibration for us to face and experience.

Being conscious of these energies will allow you to pay closer attention to the tension in your body, mind and soul.  A soul at peace radiates an energy of calmness, kindness and forgiveness without saying a word.  As you monitor your own inner levels of peace and contentment, you have the ability to correct or redirect any imbalances into a better state of being called grace.

LIMITED= thoughts that are judgements & criticism of self and others relating to right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark that are causing hurt or hate to dwell within.
UNLIMITED= the open hearted use of acceptance and respect that can shift how we feel about ourselves and each other to embrace and allow love to flow.
LIMITATION= a self imposed state of defence and protection that keeps us imprisoned in our own illusory state of victimization.
ELIMINATION= a conscious choice to release and remove any and all limiting judgments and fears that keep us living in an illusion of hurt, pain, war and conflict.