

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us put together the pieces of our cosmic puzzle in a way that makes it clear where we are, where we are going, and where will be when the light of love brings peace to earth.

There are many steps to our souls’ journey and each one of those steps brings us closer to the fullness of our love and glory.  In those moments when we are not able to see clearly, it is good to just be still and listen to our heart.  This quite often will appear as hurt.  Listen anyway.  Within the experience of hurting we are discovering new ways to embrace love at a much deeper place that takes us to a higher level.

Have patience  with soul self as the residuals of many lifetimes surface for us to witness and observe as clues to what is not as yet in alignment with our hearts desires and purpose.  These clues are not meant to discourage us, but in fact increase our courage to a level where we can be more powerful and strong through the wisdom we have gathered.  Remember love is present in all things no matter how they may appear.

SEEKER= one who looks for love in all things
SEARCHER= one who seeks to experiences love in all things
SEER= one who envisions love in all things

Take A Meditation Vacation . . .

Meditation Vacation

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  inspires us to take time to relax and have a rejuvenating vacation from life and all its busyness.  Even if it is just a short journey away for a few moments to a place where your soul is peaceful and content – this will greatly change your mood and the ability to focus on what really matters.

RELAXATION= set the mood by using your breath to focus on letting go of tension and stress while you close your eyes and simply do some deep sighing.
MEDITATION= quiet the mind as you enter into a state of easy floating or flowing in a buoyant sea of tranquility.
IMAGINATION= simply let your inner child pretend it is on a raft floating on the river of adventures, and see what images are passing by as you float along.
VISUALIZATION= let the images come to life with colours and sounds and messages that speak to you clearly of how wonderful life can be in this energy.
RECREATION= begin to interact with the animals and nature as you feel welcomed and inspired to dance and play or sing along.
MANIFESTATION= increase your awareness to how this is the simplest form of manifestation that can change your life, your energy and your synergy with all that is.
CREATION= rise as high as you can in this blissful state of grace where all things are clear and simple.  Answers come, solutions are presented, and options that can change and improve your life are clear.

Return to the moment of now by following your breath and your bliss back to the present while keeping the feelings and sensations of wellbeing in your heart and soul.

How Our Soul Leaves It’s Mark Everywhere We Go



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are constantly leaving a trail of evidence that we exist here on planet earth.  On so many levels, we are being recorded and remembered by the very energy field we inhabit.  It can be as simple as the things we physically touch, to the path we continually tread, to the overall energetic impression we leave in the wake of our breath.

As we realize more deeply how profound our journey is, we begin to be more heartful and mindful about the intentions we use to manifest our daily lives.  To be remembered for our great deeds and loving kindness is so much more benevolent that leaving monuments of touchable, tangible stuff.

How do you want to be remembered when your time here is done?  What legacy would you prefer to leave to those who carry on your genetic lineage of light?  When you make those choices to rise above the challenges you have lived through and create a better world than when you arrived – it is a sacred journey.  One that few may remember, but many will benefit from.

FINGER PRINT=personality
FOOT PRINT=  humanity
BLUEPRINT= divinity