TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that when we look to the future of our souls journey, it is important to view it as a sense of gaining direction, and not comparing ourselves from where we are to where we are meant to be.  This compete and compare view provides us with a sense of sadness, sorrow and separation from our soul self and source.  The longing we hold in our heart can be a real detriment to the amount of courage and determination we are capable of using to accomplish our dreams and desires.

It is important to remember that each step we take from where we are, to where we are going allows us to embody the authentic compassion and understanding we need to have in order to share our wisdom with others.  When we have truly been there, done that, it is a genuine sense of knowing that allows us to be more patient, kind and tolerant of ourselves and each other.  We need this elevated state of awareness in order to successfully arrive at our destination of unconditional love.

Embrace the future, or your inevitable destination as a point of focus and guiding light that helps you find your way . . . let be an encouragement to your soul.

DIRECTION= a sense of where we are going and how we might get to our destiny
CONNECTION= a deep desire that transcends all reasoning and helps us arrive at our destiny
PERCEPTION= a powerful knowing that keeps us committed to living our destiny

The Trance Dance

Trance Send Dance

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: quietly whispers in our spiritual ears that it is time to awaken from our trance dance.  This is the level of awareness where our inner connection to the truth in all things resides.  Our hearts are imprinted with the map and the directions for our soul to follow when the end of our karmic journey is at hand.

This allows us to see clearly through the illusions and confusions of our past and bring a new level of clarity into the now moment.  To fully embody this transformation, we must first acknowledge that we have learned everything our soul has requested and has been virtually tested in every way.  This is the time when still point brings you out of the illusion in into the present.

Using the breath and following it in and out of our mortal body, will allow you to make quantum leaps from the old way into the new way of being.  This reveals within us the old patterns, programs and paradigms that are being replaced with the vibrational match of the new world we are creating.  It can feel overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.  Do no confuse the chaos of change for a loss of direction.  Remember and trust that your heart KNOWS the way and your soul FEELS the call from within to let it happen.

PATTERNS= the repetitious pathways we have been moving along that are familiar
PROGRAMS= the belief systems we have adopted to learn from and through
PARADIGMS= the variations to our patterns and programs that we have completed

A Soul Story Only Our Heart Knows

Prayer For Union

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us of a story we hold  in our hearts that will only be brought into being when we are ready to share ourselves at the deepest level.  This is a union and reunion of the complete soul and how we attract to ourselves the complimentary half of who we are.  This can mean a relationship, or a connection to source that fills the emptiness we hold inside for what seems like eternity.

At times we are reminded that we wrote this story, have lived each and every chapter, page and paragraph as best we could in anticipation that the ending will reflect a fairy tale come true.  To some that is the discovery of self and all the facets of our soul that make us feel complete, and to others it is the merging and emerging of the larger version of ourselves that reflects the divine mother and father.  Either way, we hold a sense of great love for this moment and await its arrival.

BEGINNING= the map we laid out for ourselves to follow
MIDDLE= the direction we are traveling at the moment
END= the place where destiny and desire and destination come together