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TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals that the journey of our soul goes through many phases of development through the karmic process.  Each segment of our evolution contributes to the full-fillment of our potential in unique and miraculous ways.  Think of our soul like the face of a clock.  We start at one and travel all the way to twelve.  One is the number of a singular soul on personal mission to evolve and develop a greater awareness of love.

Each incarnation takes us through to the next step as we build on our ability to restore our memory of who we are and apply that understanding to acquiring the next layer of illusion and confusion on top of our forgetful state of mind.  These layers create a maze of possibilities that eventually become a tangled weave of confusion and frustration.

By the time we get to twelve, we are more aware and yet more confused than we have ever been.  We have an inner knowing that says life and love should be simple, and yet our experiences would say otherwise.  The number one represents the energy of love as being the source of all things created, while the number two represents duality and our ability to explore love from both the light and dark side of what it represents.

The light reflects our logic and the dark reflects our feelings and as the two powerful energies merge into one awareness, we become consciously awake and aware of who we are and why we are here.  When judgment and fear are conquered, we become the observers of our reality and transcend duality into one endless and unconditional state of grace called love.  This is the next level of living life on Earth – Conscious Creation.

INCARNATION= a single soul journey to explore life unaware
RECREATION= several souls coming together for the purpose of learning
REINCARNATION= a soul returning to discover the next phase of awakening
CONSCIOUS CREATION= an awakened soul consciously creating life the way they choose it.