TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us all wondering what it going on? Where is this all taking us and when will it end? These are the thoughts and fears that are occupying our energy fields right now and it does not serve us well to allow this energy to be present for more than just a moment.
What is the purpose of this epidemic? We know in our hearts it is testing us to use our faith and trust that everything and everyone that we hold dear to us will be spared the wrath of this timed of DIS-EASE. When we look through the veils of illusion and calm our senses down to where we can focus, it presents a very different picture of the overall purpose of this event.
Mankind has been anything but kind for a very long time. Our primitive instincts have been running the show and taking charge of the world in ways that are not loving, kind, fair or true. These illusions were designed to help us learn about conditional love – and what that means when we participate in it from both the victim and the villain sides. Every known unloving condition has been created, explored at great lengths, experienced beyond endurance and accepted as a right to share it with as many as we can. The research is now complete – we are not required to remain in this low vibrational field any longer. The game of Karma is completed.
So how do we rise above what we have created? How do we lift our spirits high enough to disengage from the darkness and despair? How can we trust that we are able to exist in a higher state of wellness when we have only known illness as a collective manifestation? Each and every soul is pre-programmed for these times. Some will be awakened to it, some will remain in defiance of it as free will determines both are acceptable responses that will involve further learning.
ISOLATION= the time and season of returning to the inner connection we have to the source of our creation – the heart centre has the blueprint and the plan that holds the answers to each individuals release from the bondage of illusionary life. Living without love is painful, hurtful, destructive and lonely. This is being reflected back to us in a profound way right now. Those that are awake are embracing this time and celebrating it.
IMMUNIZATION= the way we choose to affect or infect our bodies with substances that cause changes that trigger a version of shut down and reboot, or creates an exit strategy that says ‘this soul is weary of the journey and the challenges that go with it and is being recalled home for a much deserved rest and restoration.’ Only the bravest and most advanced souls will decline this process with the understanding that to go on without the herd mentality means they are all on their own and ready to serve Source energy in a profoundly new way. This way is truly the UNKNOWN as humanity has not consciously chosen to evolve beyond our limitations before. The unknown has always triggered huge fears and self judgments of the worthiness to go forward and completely trust that the connection we have in our hearts is enough to see us through to the other side.
TRANSFORMATION= the lengthy process of a soul shedding the layers of illusions that have kept us disconnected and limited in our ability to follow our hearts. Hurts must be healed, hate must be identified and released, connections to the old collective of thought and programming must be relinquished for a newer and more updated version of the human spirit. This takes great courage and a lot of time. Many have been in this process for many lifetimes and the time has now come to honour and embrace the new reality. Judgment and fear cannot exist in the new vibration so disposing of your baggage and luggage is required before entry can be approved.