What part of Soul Self runs your life?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us taking a closer “look” at what we see when we first glance at something that is new to us.  What part do you record first?  the overall image? the shape? the colours? the flaws?  Our first impression has a lot to do with how we see things in life, and what part of us is in charge of documenting or observing how we relate to people, things, situations and challenges.  Based on your reaction to the hand drawn image that reflects various challenges for the eye/mind/soul to see, what part of you runs your life?

THE CRITIC SELF= sees the faults, flaws, inconsistencies or mistakes
THE COMPASSIONATE SELF= sees the effort, hard work, or intentions
THE CARING SELF= sees the ways it can be improved, changed or helped
THE CREATIVE SELF= sees the colours, contrast, or variations possible
THE CONSTRUCTIVE SELF= sees how it is designed, put together, or built
THE CONFLICTING SELF= sees how it is different, not the same or unacceptable