TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares some insights into the current year we are experiencing. There is always a word that I am given to represent each year as an overall energy. This years word is CLARITY. Not surprising when we see it is the numbers 2020. What better way to keep the focus going on all that we have achieved this far?

There is a quote from the bible that states ‘WITHOUT A VISION MY PEOPLE PARISH’. It has always made me wonder what that actually meant . . . but having had a lifetime of visions and dreams and a sense of direction that was always made clear to me when the time was right, I get it now. Our thoughts, feelings and actions are the sum and total of our ability to manifest. It is more important than ever that we have a very CLEAR vision or sense of direction that we would like to follow for our life to have meaning and purpose.

The mind can only offer what has come before – a memory – a moment – a minute segment of what we have already experienced, whether that be a good moment or not – it still has us captive until we have completed the experience and gained the wisdom from it. Our feelings can only react based on what has happened before as we feel a connection to a similar moment in time and try to relate what direction we must take to enhance that feeling – or heal it.

Without a clear vision – we go in circles, cycles and seasons of the same pattern and program until we are ready and willing to break free. Honesty is required for this leap of faith. When we own our illusionary past and lovingly request a new course of action – the theme of our journey changes dramatically.

As we work through the judgments and fears that we have gathered throughout life we can begin to relate more closely to the ones that benefit us, and the ones that don’t. Peeling away the pieces that are not loving, kind or true help us find our sense of self and who we are, compared to who we feel we truly want to be. The gap in-between those perceptions holds the answers to what we must conquer or surrender in order to stand firmly in our truth which is called integrity.

CLARITY = the word for this years 2020 vision quest for self empowerment. To see clearly we must be able to rise above our judgments and fears to reveal and heal the old wounds and embody a new truth about who we are. Relating to this word each day will help us grow and evolve with grace and ease. If it feels loving – follow it . . . if it does not . . . release it.

HONESTY= the moment we are in where we can determine if we are living in our truth and holding on to our soul self in a loving way. Without self love there cannot be a genuine love for others. We cannot give what we do not have. Check in with soul self – am I loving who I am? or putting conditions on myself that make me unhappy?

INTEGRITY = the level of truth we are willing to live in. It can be as simple as sharing a vulnerable part of who we are, or as complicated as exposing the worst fears we possess so that it cannot hold us hostage any more. Living in integrity means you uphold your values whether someone else is watching and aware or not. Living up to your own level of truth in the presence of temptation is part of what helps us restore our personal power.

Showering The Soul With Love

Nature Of My Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: embraces the showering of spring through the soul of our being. A celebration of new beginnings, and powerful blessings that elevate our awareness to the place of self love and attention to self worth.  We are a constantly evolving being of great light and curiosity.  Our need for new and better ways of living is calling upon our hearts to rise up and speak up from a place of honesty and integrity.

The spring rains herald the signal of a new day where things seem fresher, clearer and cleaner in our reality.  Allow the flow of the divine to filter through your perception as you choose to see things for what they truly are, instead of what you fear them to be.  There is a lesson and blessing in everything that you are experiencing.  The soul seeker will find this by being truthful and honest about the situation and take full responsibility where needed, while allowing others to simply play their roles in sharing it with you.

There comes a moment when the ellipse of the heart will sense a false flag of deception or intention as the point of balance is being crossed through the process of the experience.  Hold onto the light of love through this moment, and allow yourself to come out the other side with a greater vision of what is real, what is love and what is truth.  You will feel the power of creation like never before.

PURITY= how you choose to see what is really happening
HONESTY= how you truly feel about what is happening
INTEGRITY= how you embrace what is happening
DIVERSITY= how you accept everything that is happening as a blessing
SOLIDARITY= the moment enough have crossed the great divide to stand together as one.

Conversations With Your Inner Child


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: suggests we would all benefit from a little chat time with our inner child.  They are the source of our joy, happiness and innocence.  When they are feeling sad or neglected, it is reflected in our daily lives as loneliness.  That deep inner feeling that seems to allude even the most dedicated seeker when we are not connected to our innocence.  That soft and gentle part of us is in charge of allowing us to be genuine and authentic.

It may take a few attempts to contact your inner child if you have not been paying attention to it for a long period of time.  This tiny voice can be so faint it sounds like it is in the ethers and not even part of your soul self.  Keep listening until you can hear what that voice is trying to say to you.  It can be very frustrating to only hear parts of it, or sounds instead of words, but it is truly worth paying attention to.

When you have made a clear connection, the comments coming from your inner child will be very precise in what is being shared.  They don’t mince words, or beat around the bush.  They like to tell it like it is and you better be ready to listen. Don’t question what is being said – just accept it as an important key to your overall state of wellbeing and happiness.

SILENCE= not feeling heard or listened to
WHISPER= feeling unsure and insecure about being heard
SOUNDS= sending something so you feel encouraged to continue
SENTENCES= offering pure wisdom and truth you need to hear