White Buffalo Woman Returns

White Buffalo Woman - Spirit Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to return to the basic principles and laws of nature to allow the natural forces of the earth to restore balance.  There will come a time when the point of balance is so delicate, that it barely holds the thread of existence  in place.  This reality is on the brink of such a shift and the time for focusing on allowing the healing to happen in every heart on earth is now.

With the visions and dreams of our Elders, came the focus and intentions that were adopted by all who committed themselves to live out to the fullest of their potential.  This powerful energy is in alignment with the flow of abundance, bringing the  increase of vibrational life forces that will replace the old patterns of aging and aggression.  A more youthful and joyful earth will be abound with new energies, colours,  light and the concept of conscious creation for all to enjoy.

Holding the vision of this return of the feminine divine in her Native embodiment will herald a new dawn and a new day for humanity.  The white buffalo are symbolic of the purification of the kingdoms of heaven and earth in their most benevolent forms as they finally unite into one unified whole.

RENEW= the new beginning of the next phase of expansion & evolution
REFRESH= a new pattern & program for manifestation
RESTORE= experiencing the return of balance & abundance for all

Celebrating The Earth Heart



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intimate wisdom of the Universe as we celebrate a day that reflects eternal love.  We are all in a place of awakening to the inner divine nature of our spirit.  Through this process, we evolve and develop a deeper relationship with all things of a divine nature.  This includes everything that is and all the ever will be.

Open your heart and your arms today to receive the infilling of love at a level you have not witnessed before.  Not the commercial kind of love that simply shares one day of acknowledgement, but the eternal level of love that will uplift you to levels forgotten by your soul for a long time.  Embrace the unconditional love of creation from which you were birthed.

Let your physical, mental and emotional bodies radiate with a new awareness and fullness that will bless you abundantly on all levels as you reunite with all that you are. Your ability to love is not complete until you experience all of these levels of love.

HEAVENLY BODY= your original source of creation
EARTHLY BODY= your temporary state of grace
EVERY BODY= your celestial family here with you