A Greater World – A Greater Vision

The Dreamer Awakens

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider what the world we live in would be like if we changed our perception of what it is?  We are familiar with the concept of wanting and wishing for a better world, but this is part of the old measurement system and will only keep us judging, criticizing and measuring each other as part of the old paradigm.

When we begin to view the world through the lens of greatness, we will see a newer, higher and wider perspective that brings us into alignment with the new reality that is forming.  Tuning into our greater self, the greater plan and the greater vision of this world will accelerate the process into a higher vibrational frequency of love and light.

With greatness comes goodness.  We see the good in ourselves and ultimately in each other.  The flaws become moments filled with patience, fears become walls we can break through into the fullness of our faith, and judgments become blessings of forgiveness where we learn to tolerate each other at a whole new level of compassion.

GREATER SELF= aligning to the best that we can be
GREATER PLAN= awakening to our real purpose
GREATER VISION= aware of who we really are