TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – is a message of choosing our direction in life. So much of what is happening is creating an inner chaos that we have not felt this deeply before. Most of what it is stirring up is the sense of clarity we must find in order to proceed.

Each time we shift our perspectives, we also shift our awareness which in turn shifts our ability to manifest what we truly deserve and desire. To observe what is needed we can focus on our reactions to what is unfolding instead of getting caught up in the illusion of it. Life is a mystery to be solved. Each layer of our soul that expands and grows requires a new level of support and nourishment in order to feel safe and secure. What we focus on expands and what we put our efforts into is the reward.

In order to redefine our outer world, we must first renew our inner world. The amount of misery we have been carrying and embodying will not allow us to raise our vibration any higher than it currently is. Releasing the old information, the old wounds and worries is the key to opening the new energy required to grow into a happier state.

Mastery eventually resides in that state we arrive at where we are content and happy with our inner world. Our fears have been relinquished, our judgments no longer limit our ability to live life freely and our willingness to surrender our need to criticize falls away.

MYSTERY= the questions we ask and the quest we go on for the truth of who we are.
MISERY= the limitations we embody when we live in the illusions of limitation, lack, fear and judgment of self and others.
MASTERY= the wisdom we gain from all of the life experiences we go through and the level of understanding we arrive at when it is all over. Forgiveness of self and others, acceptance of power with patience and the state of being called grace and peace prevail.










TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us searching deeply within our soul self to discover our true roots.  This process has us feeling lost and alone at times as we desperately seek to find a place where we fit in.

It is so important to find a place where your heart can sing it’s song and be heard.  A circle of light where your brilliance shines and your uniqueness is celebrated.

So many times we feel that the only way we can fit in is to conform to the standards of those around us – this is the last place you should want to settle for.

Somewhere in your energy field is a beacon of light that we call ‘VIBRATION’ and it is set to a level where you are destined to dwell.  It is important to be patient with yourself while this search is taking place as it does not happen over night, and it does not require you to do or be anything other than yourself.  When you finally surrender to this blissful state of grace, your ‘TRIBE’ will begin to gravitate towards you and fill in that space of longing and loneliness.  Happiness is knowing you are loved and accepted exactly the way you are!

LONELY = the state where we feel we don’t fit in anywhere
LONGING = a deep desire to find a place of true acceptance
BELONGING = a natural state of grace where we find ourselves at home with others


The Agreement

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us realize where we are and the blessings we are about to receive.  It is a time of great awakenings and openings that allow us to feel the fullness of our power and grace.  This is not a time for the weak or fragile souls to give up, but to stand up, show up and speak up about their inner desires.

To feel the fullness of the moon, one must also feel the fullness of the soul within.  This part of our heritage has been dormant for far too long.  The open heart is a full heart.  Release all the hurt you have held onto and allow your heart to expand to contain as much love as possible.  When you think you have filled it to capacity, imagine that the contents of your heart are overflowing in an endless stream of light and love.

The current SUPER MOON is their for us to partake of the bounty of the last SUPPER and allow the fullness of our hearts and souls to celebrate the state of grace we contain and share.

THE PAST= our level of thankFULLness for all we have learned
THE PRESENT= our level of grateFULLness for all we have been given
THE FUTURE= our level of hopeFULLness for all we are about to receive