Our Courage Will See Us Through

Embody Courage

TODAYS LIFE LESSON: We are all being tested by our higher selves to resolve any outstanding issues, attitudes, judgments or fears that we may have.  These old patterns and energies are contributing to the current unstable elements and storms.  As the storms continue to rage inside each soul, the energy is being reflected out into the global collective and charging up the elements of earth (quakes), wind (hurricanes) , fire (volcanos) and water (typhoons) into a frenzy.

The energy from the sun is sending a reset/recharge signal to all living things upon this planet and will continue to charge the atmosphere until we are finished with our primal fears and wars.  This over extension of light and love is designed to create balance out of pure emotional chaos and peace out of intense destructive thoughts that are permeating our planet.

RESENT= the overall collective attitude towards evolutionary change right now (judgement)
REJECT= the reaction to moving forward and being elevated into a higher realm (fear)
RESET= the moment when the tidal wave of judgment and fear come together and cancel each other out