Soul Secrets Set Free

Keeping Secrets

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider sharing our deepest, darkest secrets with the world of vibrational energy.  As we learn to release our hidden fears and judgments, we set our soul free from guilt, shame and the need to blame or be blamed.

The energies of the cosmos are edging us closer to the moment when we must fully commit to our true purpose and wake up to the truth of who we are.  Internal signals are pressuring us to stand up, open up and speak up about the way we live in this world.  It is time for complete exposure and full disclosure of all things delusional.  Being able to see clearly through all of the illusions we have been living in is a vitally important gift that comes with its own liberating energies.

If everyone, knew everything about anything that is important to our joy and happiness and were willing to share it – we would breathe a collective sigh of relief.  Humanity is in a position where the old paradigm cannot hold onto the darkness or the illusions we have been living in during those dark times for much longer.  Expect a great burst of love and light to expose everything and everyone for what it is this year.  That means a lot of moments of embracing compassion, forgiveness and respect for each other.

COMPOSURE= how we keep a lid on our dark thoughts & feelings
DISCLOSURE= the importance of sharing our hidden thoughts & feelings
EXPOSURE= a new level of vibration that brings in more loving thoughts & feelings
FORECLOSURE= self forgiveness ends any thoughts or feelings of being in debt

Magical Moments

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers the words of love and adoration that comes from within the sacredness of each heart.  In these holy days and celestial events, we are reminded that we are travellers from far away places and have come here to bring hope and peace to a troubled planet.  Each and every heart has the capacity to hold onto the original love that we are given so that we may share it in a limitless way.

This vessel we call the heart has many functions and purposes that allow us to be and become so much more than we have been able to imagine this far.  We have the ability to love and learn while the beating of our physical heart is keeping us healthy and well.  This same vessel has the ability to withstand brokenness and betrayal and yet it still finds the courage and the strength to forgive.

Our hearts have the capacity to withstand all things that life would challenge us with and as it keeps on beating, blessing and loving us through these moments we evolve and grow ever stronger and wiser.  Let us use that wisdom peacefully to encourage each other.

How precious is our heart when we are able to bless and release all the hurt it holds inside.

FULL MOON= the reflection of light both day & night
FULL HEART= the power to love in darkness & light
FULL BLESSINGS= the expansion of love & Divine insight

Our Courage Will See Us Through

Embody Courage

TODAYS LIFE LESSON: We are all being tested by our higher selves to resolve any outstanding issues, attitudes, judgments or fears that we may have.  These old patterns and energies are contributing to the current unstable elements and storms.  As the storms continue to rage inside each soul, the energy is being reflected out into the global collective and charging up the elements of earth (quakes), wind (hurricanes) , fire (volcanos) and water (typhoons) into a frenzy.

The energy from the sun is sending a reset/recharge signal to all living things upon this planet and will continue to charge the atmosphere until we are finished with our primal fears and wars.  This over extension of light and love is designed to create balance out of pure emotional chaos and peace out of intense destructive thoughts that are permeating our planet.

RESENT= the overall collective attitude towards evolutionary change right now (judgement)
REJECT= the reaction to moving forward and being elevated into a higher realm (fear)
RESET= the moment when the tidal wave of judgment and fear come together and cancel each other out