Learning To Ride The Tide

Feeling Free

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the insights and inspirational message of learning to ride the tide of emotion and motion these days.  The inner journey of our soul is currently making dramatic changes to the way we view life and live life.  Anything that we have held onto that is not in alignment with our souls purpose or desires, is being shaken from us in dramatic and sometimes traumatic ways.

When it comes to the feeling and the flow of emotions, we are diving deeper and deeper into the pools of unfair situations where we cannot look anywhere but inward at the way we react to others and the circumstance we find ourselves in.  There is no where else to go and the answers will not be found if we do not go there.  It takes all of the courage and determination you can find within yourself to make this journey.

MOTION= the movement/manifestation of our thought energy
EMOTION= the flow/flood of our feeling energy
ACTION= the intention/direction of our soul energy
ATTRACTION= the affects of our heart/hurt energy

Clan Memories Are Surfacing To Guide Us

Clan Memories

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an insight into some of the inner conflicts that are swirling around in our inner awareness these days.  We are from the lineage of light that has woven a thread of information from deep within our minds and souls that runs all the way back to when time began.  These memories are what keeps us focused on our souls purpose.

When the time is right for each and every soul there is an inner awakening that allows the cause and effect of our souls purpose to become known.  During this time we are prone to being upset, forgetful, agitated and frustrated.  As all of the pieces begin to come to the surface we are responsible for putting them together to achieve a larger picture of who we are and why we are here.

During this upheaval, we seem to want to listen more often to those around us, and less likely to listen to the voice within us.  This creates a time and a season of chaos as the truth swirls around in our minds and then stirs up our feelings, and then ultimately stimulates the awakening of a deeper truth that sets us free.  Have patience with yourself if you are in this process and experiencing some of these symptoms.  It will all come together for you soon, and this will be a moment of personal revelation that you won’t deny or reject this time.

SWIRLING THOUGHTS= a repetition of memories that are real
STIRRED UP FEELINGS= a refection of emotions that are relevant
STIMULATED AWARENESS= a reaction at soul level that is revealing truth



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the inner wisdom and will of the universal flow through our hearts these days.  We are being flooded with celestial light and love to assist us in making the shift from the old paradigm to the new one.  This process is as natural as life itself, but at times feels challenging and overwhelming.

As we learn a new soul language that deletes fear, judgment, criticism and guilt it leaves us with a sense of emptiness that can appear to feel like loneliness.  We are never alone in this great shift of the ages.  There is an entire group of energetic spirits moving with us each step of the way.  We are the ones embodied in the reality that is changing, but our efforts and experiences are being shared by the entire universe.

Using the breath to transmute unhappy, unhealthy or unloving feelings can assist us in making the changes within our habitual self as we learn a new path and direction for our souls to go.  We are no longer geared towards right and wrong, good or bad, or even the concept of failure and success.  Just letting yourself be helped and healed is enough!

TRANSLATION= learning a new way to express the language of love for today
TRANSFORMATION= learning to consciously change our thoughts and feelings
TRANSMUTATION= learning to take what was and create what is to be