TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: acknowledges that we are far enough awake and aware to realize the what happens to one of us can happen to all of us.  What is tolerated in one area can be duplicated in another – and what is accepted as normal will set the standard by which all other standards are raised or lowered.

The experiences of our indigenous peoples have taught us to be willing to take a stand for what is morally, ethically and spiritually true by peacefully holding space while the tides of fury are all around.  The most powerful way of ending an era of imbalances, unfairness and a blatant disregard for fairness is to simply lay down our swords and arrows and hold a silent vigil for peace.  The least amount of resistance, with the highest level of integrity.

Our hearts and kindred spirit goes out to the souls who have stood their ground and held their space even though they have been persecuted, beaten, shot and harmed – they stand by their faith and hold the space.  May there be more of us willing to do just that!

HEAD= the wisdom we carry through many trials and tribulations
HEART= the truth about balance and consciously choosing it
HEARTH= the space and place we call home where we face our foes and fears with faith.

Life Is FFFFing Amazing!

Transformational Door

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers words of encouragement to help us find our way to the next level of awareness.  We are on the right path, heading in the right direction with the right intentions, so lets keep the momentum going!  Here is a simple formula to follow that will inspire you to see that life is FFFFFing amazing – and that is meant in a very good way!

FACE YOUR FEAR= fear designed to challenge us to grow
FOLLOW YOUR FEELINGS= our built in GPS for success
FIND YOUR FAITH= follow your own hearts desires
FEEL THE FREEDOM= life beyond fear of failure
FLOW ABUNDANTLY= conscious creation

Face Your Fear ~ Feel The Freedom

Face Your Fear

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to continue to take a close look at whatever fear may still be stirring up the internal vibrations of our soul self.  This is an important part of shedding way old patterns, programs and habits.  Our fears are designed to help us discover where we are out of balance and ultimately out of sorts.

Facing your fear can take a lot of courage – but that is the point of it all, to discover just how much courage you have.  The challenging part of courage is – it only works if you use it!  At some point you must learn to trust if fear is standing right in front of you, it is not to deny you your blessings, but to challenge you to allow them into your life.  As long as you resist your blessings, you will not benefit from them.

FACE= the art of owning and accepting your inner feelings
FEAR= the shadow side of self that likes to challenges us to grow
FAITH= the fearless side that steps in to set us free
FREEDOM= the ultimate reward of blessings & benefits that courage brings