TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: teaches us about the importance of love and how having it in balance can greatly affect the overall quality of life.  Long before we are in search of the perfect partner we must first become the perfect partner within ourselves.  This does not mean a life without flaws, failures and fears . . . but one where we honour and respect what those qualities have to teach us and contribute to our level of wisdom.

Once we can embrace our own flaws, failures and fears as part of what makes us special and unique, our tolerance for others and their special blend of the same is so much richer. We tend to attract someone who will embody the same traits that we have but from the opposite side of the pendulum.  Where we are strong they will be weak and where we are weak they will be strong.  This helps us not only maintain our own sense of uniqueness, but to also assist our significant other to do the same. This requires compassion.

When we do not reflect our truth or our beliefs in an open hearted way, there will be a static energy between us and the outside world.  This static energy is a reminder that we are not being authentic or real in our expression of self.  The sparks will fly inevitably and we usually see this as a sign if incompatiblilty, when the truth is we are so much alike we have amplified, magnified and intensified our shared life lesson so we can’t miss it!

FLAWS= the cracks we have identifyed in our character or lifestyle
FAILURES= the outcomes of our lack of self worth or self esteem
FEARS= the reflections of ways we are unloving or unfair to ourself