The Agreement

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us realize where we are and the blessings we are about to receive.  It is a time of great awakenings and openings that allow us to feel the fullness of our power and grace.  This is not a time for the weak or fragile souls to give up, but to stand up, show up and speak up about their inner desires.

To feel the fullness of the moon, one must also feel the fullness of the soul within.  This part of our heritage has been dormant for far too long.  The open heart is a full heart.  Release all the hurt you have held onto and allow your heart to expand to contain as much love as possible.  When you think you have filled it to capacity, imagine that the contents of your heart are overflowing in an endless stream of light and love.

The current SUPER MOON is their for us to partake of the bounty of the last SUPPER and allow the fullness of our hearts and souls to celebrate the state of grace we contain and share.

THE PAST= our level of thankFULLness for all we have learned
THE PRESENT= our level of grateFULLness for all we have been given
THE FUTURE= our level of hopeFULLness for all we are about to receive

White Buffalo Woman Returns

White Buffalo Woman - Spirit Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to return to the basic principles and laws of nature to allow the natural forces of the earth to restore balance.  There will come a time when the point of balance is so delicate, that it barely holds the thread of existence  in place.  This reality is on the brink of such a shift and the time for focusing on allowing the healing to happen in every heart on earth is now.

With the visions and dreams of our Elders, came the focus and intentions that were adopted by all who committed themselves to live out to the fullest of their potential.  This powerful energy is in alignment with the flow of abundance, bringing the  increase of vibrational life forces that will replace the old patterns of aging and aggression.  A more youthful and joyful earth will be abound with new energies, colours,  light and the concept of conscious creation for all to enjoy.

Holding the vision of this return of the feminine divine in her Native embodiment will herald a new dawn and a new day for humanity.  The white buffalo are symbolic of the purification of the kingdoms of heaven and earth in their most benevolent forms as they finally unite into one unified whole.

RENEW= the new beginning of the next phase of expansion & evolution
REFRESH= a new pattern & program for manifestation
RESTORE= experiencing the return of balance & abundance for all


The Light Within

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: embraces the concept that the earth is a place of great opportunity to manifest a whole new reality that is vibrationally aligned to the elements of peace.  The process of discovery and learning through the darkness that has been shadowing the greatness of love and light has simply given each of our a place to hide while we evolved and expanded.

The encoded message within the EARTH experience, is HEART.  Same letters – deeper meaning for the soul to discover.  Within each soul there is a place where the elements of love reside along with all of the blueprints of the original creation of life that regards love as the most precious of all states of grace.  To awaken to this realization, humanity has been on a very long journey in the opposite direction thinking that somehow love was lost or condemned to be controlled my the darkness.  Nothing could be further from the truth!

At the very core of every heart is the source of creation – source energy – source power to create and manifest whatever is required or desired.  The light of that power is now radiating outward and calling upon each soul to lay down the judgement and fear of who you are and what is to come, to stand in the light of HERE I AM.

That tiny spark of light is positioned to ignite the light and bring love into this world by declaring PEACE BE WITH YOU, AND WITHIN YOU.  That is how the universe expands.  Send the light into the darkness and create a way to light it up.

DARKNESS= the unconscious state of love called judgment & fear
SHADOW= the conscious state of love challenging us to grow
LIGHT= the superconscious state of love illuminating the world