TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings an inner awareness of how we have come to awaken our soul in a time of great challenges and chaos.  It is written that these times will be tumultuous and intense but little did we know it would be this expansive and global.

The journey of karma has been a long one.  It is a project that every soul has been moving through and the learning part of the process has been completed.  There is nothing left to learn about suffering, fear, judgment, rejection, separation etc.  We have truly and intimately embodied it all.  So the challenge now becomes how do we complete the game of karma so that we are no longer bound by its lack, limitations and absent of love?

What is taking place these days is the exposure of what has been dwelling underneath the surface of every human heart and soul for a very long time.  The darkness of our past has left an imprint on the present that is still affecting the future . . . it must be exposed in order to recognize how it feels, what it creates, and how it contributes to our suffering here on Planet Earth.

Spirit has revealed a way of addressing our residual energies so that we can gently move forward in a way that makes us free of the past so we can be more present in the now, which will inevitably shift the future to a more harmonious and happy place.  What we have called HEAVEN ON EARTH.

BECAME= the sum and total of our karma experiences has manifested everything we have learned and experienced into who we are now.  For some that is awakened – for others still in the process of awakening and going through the motions of discovery of self.  This is the empowerment process that ultimately will make everything more clear and complete.

BECAUSE= all the excuses and reasons we use to support our lack of loving intentions and actions – we have an endless supply of reasons we have been less than kind, honest or sincere in our actions and reactions in life.  As long as these excuses are hiding our true selves, we cannot complete our karma commitment.  There comes a moment when we begin to BE THE CAUSE of our own healing by taking full responsibility and ownership of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.  This is the time when we begin to understand CONSCIOUS CREATION.  

BECOME= the moment when we are fully awakened to the truth of who we are, why we are here, what we are capable of creating and consciously choosing to do it through the light of love.  That is our divine blueprint and destiny that is written within every cell of our being.  Our heart has the plan and the connection to Source that calls us into action so we can share our love unconditionally.  This is our one and only true purpose.  

BE yourself, COME to the fullness of your truth with all the gifts and abilities that represents.  The second ‘Coming’ is us . . . when we BECOME our divine light and expand this realm of darkness into the next level of light and love . . . we are the EVOLUTION of LOVE that expands the entire UNIVERSE.  


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TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us put together the pieces of our cosmic puzzle in a way that makes it clear where we are, where we are going, and where will be when the light of love brings peace to earth.

There are many steps to our souls’ journey and each one of those steps brings us closer to the fullness of our love and glory.  In those moments when we are not able to see clearly, it is good to just be still and listen to our heart.  This quite often will appear as hurt.  Listen anyway.  Within the experience of hurting we are discovering new ways to embrace love at a much deeper place that takes us to a higher level.

Have patience  with soul self as the residuals of many lifetimes surface for us to witness and observe as clues to what is not as yet in alignment with our hearts desires and purpose.  These clues are not meant to discourage us, but in fact increase our courage to a level where we can be more powerful and strong through the wisdom we have gathered.  Remember love is present in all things no matter how they may appear.

SEEKER= one who looks for love in all things
SEARCHER= one who seeks to experiences love in all things
SEER= one who envisions love in all things



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to take a closer look at our current point of focus as we go through the shedding of layers and life lessons.  When we consider how powerful we have become with our thoughts and feelings aligning to the frequencies of full spectrum manifestation, it is important to make sure we are aware of what we are creating and intending.

Our vibrational blueprint creates energy based on what we focus on . . . like the vines in a garden, the roots will go deeper and stronger and the leaves will grow to a height that support our emotions and beliefs.  Where thought goes . . . energy flows.  So if you are focusing on the problems in life, your life will support that with creating more problems to focus on!  The simplest of ideas or tasks will seem far more complex and complicated than they need to be and we end up crawling along the surface instead of rising up.

If we are going to change the direction of our journey, we must begin to allow the light of our heart to shine brightly enough to reveal a better pathway.  This comes through consciously using our thoughts to light up the vibrations of growth that guides us towards the light of our soul.  The ultimate goal of a soul is to become whole.  How quickly you arrive at this revelation will depend on how focused you are in just being yourself and not a limited version of self that is defined by anyone else.

GOING= a conscious awareness of the direction your life is taking you – towards, or away from the light of your hearts desires?
GROWING= the expansion of our awareness that allows us to be authentic and real about who we are and how we live our life in the light or shadowed state.
GLOWING= a measurement of balance that helps us be aware of what state we are currently living in.  When the heart is open and allowing love to flow – we glow.  It is a radiance that cannot be ignored nor denied.