Eclipse Of The Moon

Earth Blessings


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the light and energy that is moving through our world to create a more peaceful resonance with humanity and nature.  The love and attention to detail is going to be important if you want to receive the blessings of this event.  For those that are still standing in the shadows of their soul, there will be much upheaval and turbulence in the energy field for the next little while.  For those who have shown the courage to proceed forward with their heart wide open, there will be signs and wonders of the times to come.

Each soul is designed to contain as much light as their heart will allow.  This fullness of heart and spirit brings a new level of confidence and compassion into the daily experiences you create for yourself and others who will join you.  Be the light of the moon in the world where darkness seems to prevail.  When the shadows of others pass over you . . . simply hold the light and love you are made of and breathe through the moment so it will pass uneventfully.  It is the way of the shadow to want to engage you in battle or conflict to dim that bright shining star that you are.

SUN= the father presence of light that illuminates each soul
MOON= the shadow side of the light that reflects itself in each soul
EARTH= the essence of love that imitates the elementals in each soul
STARS= the community of light that calls out to each soul to come home