TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us recognize how our energy level can affect not only our own field of creation, but also that of others.  We are interconnected by the forces of love and through that connection learn from each other by our actions and reactions to life’s challenges.

The inner connection to source is enhanced or inhibited by our willingness to allow the flow of energy to move through freely.  When it is not moving freely we can experience technical difficulties with our reception and interaction of information and communication.

Each level of vibration allows us to see more clearly, or dive deep into illusions where we cannot see the truth or what is real.  The lower the vibration . . . the lower the thoughts and feelings become.  Our deepest level of vibrational distortion comes in the form of depression.  The only way out of this level is to start focusing on higher visions, inspirations and directions for our energy to follow.

ENERGETIC= the free flow of vibrational energy moving through us without distortions
KINETIC= the interaction of our energy within and with others in the form of actions
STATIC= the chaotic field of energy that we use when we are in reactions
FRENETIC= the lowest form of energy that keep us in illusionary distractions

What We Focus On

Elemental Fire


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us checking in with our own self to see what level of action and reaction we are focused on.  Some days its the little things that make us crazy, and other days the bigger picture has us standing back pondering what our next move will be.  This broad spectrum of options and opportunities make life very interesting.

With the current energy changes and amplifications it is easy to be engaged in a constant flow of emotional turmoil where our reactions are not only over the top, but totally out of character.  In those moments when you recognize you are in an elevated state of being, it is important to bring your focus back to what really matters.

We always have a choice of where we are spending our time, efforts and energies.  To shift focus back to the moment we can simply follow our breath and go within to a place of sanctuary energy in stillness and serenity. Reseting ourselves to what is important makes such a difference to the kind of day we will have.

MOOD MAKER= a reaction to what we are thinking
HEART BREAKER= a reaction to what we are feeling
SOUL SHAKER= a reaction to what we are doing


Lets Feel The Flow Of Abundance Today

Rainbow Warriors

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: suggests that we check in with Source Self and see if we are in the flow, observing the flow, or avoiding the flow?  There are so many who are praying for abundance and manifestation of funds or opportunities, that the universal flow of energy is expanding to accommodate it.  The challenge comes when there is a request given, but not permission granted.  This is the art of ALLOWING.

If you are envisioning the flow and can see a picture of it – then you are not IN IT.
If you can imagine there is a flow, but cannot see it in your life, then you are AVOIDING IT.  If you envision the flow and FEEL IT moving through your body then you are IN IT.

Your feelings are the gateway to abundance and opportunities.  When you allow yourself to feel happy, enthusiastic, energetic, loving, kind, fair or truthful, then you are opening the floodgates to a greater way of living and being.  The energy of abundance is only as present as you allow it to be.  Your level of comfort with the idea you deserve to be blessed and provided for will gauge how open your flood gates will be.

The only thing that can stop or slow the flow – is YOU.

IT=  I trust
BE IN IT= ENTRUST your needs to the river of abundance
FEEL IT= EMBODY TRUST and then let the blessings overflow
FLOW WITH IT= EMERCE yourself in the river of abundance
FOLLOW IT= EMBRACE the abundant flow and and allow it to move through you