Don’t Give Up ~ Rise Up

Soul Journey

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a particularly challenging insight into the human spirit at this time.  We are so close to the shifting of consciousness, but it brings about an air of intensity that creates concern on all levels.  The inner realms of light and love are emerging into a world that is meant to be peaceful and patient with each new soul that pops through the veils of illusion.  This may seem like just the opposite of what is taking place right now.

It is the purpose of each individual to hold the faith, stay the course and steady the ladder as each one takes a turn to journey higher into the consciousness that makes sense of all that is happening.  When you stand above the chaos, above the illusions, above the disarray of order within the communities you are living in you can see there is a plan and it is unfolding gently.

If your heart is heavy with the burdens of past events, then you cannot climb any higher until you let them go.  Imagine what it is like to be exhausted as a soul and choosing to carry heavy burdens with you on each step of the way.  This does not serve any purpose other than to challenge you to let go.  Take a deep breath . . . then breathe out and release anything that you are carrying . . . watch it fall . . . say good bye . . . now simply rise up as you effortlessly take the next step on your journey.

RISE= letting your soul be free of hurt, pain, worry
RAISE= choosing to lift your vibration to the place of peace, calm, serenity
RISEN= the place of peace where we see all things clearly through the eyes of love


Return To Avalon

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: simply asks us to go within and embrace the parts of our heart that have been shattered or broken. These are the places that your soul has prepared for the most light to pass through. The brokenness cannot stop the volumes of light that now penetrate and illuminate our being.

Think of the time when you were in a situation where your heart was vulnerable and sensitive to the words and deeds of others. In that moment you claimed the shame that was being offered to you as part of a life lesson to learn from.

Now it is time to let that wound surface to the light of healing and transfer it into the art of wisdom. What was once a burden of grief or sadness that you carried will now be lifted to the light of life and restored to its former place of power and glory. This will bring you such inner peace.

BROKEN= the cracking open of our hardened heart so it can be re-birthed into a new level of compassion
BATTERED= the waves of deception we hold onto that we are weak or vulnerable in the presence of others.
BETRAYED= the illusions we inhabit that others are not to be trusted or have harmed us in some way while they help us learn life lessons.

My Own Book Of Revelations

Divine Knowledge

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: needs to be cranked all the way up to REVELATION, for those of us who have spent our lives in a position of being judged, criticized, or condemned because of our beliefs or gentle nature, here is a light bulb moment!  We are not required to play the role of listener or victim for others who are needing to vent their stuff!

When we are in the presence of family or friends who use us as their dumpster and then walk away feeling better, we are not living our best life.  Just because we are compassionate and caring – doesn’t mean we need to sit and listen to the rantings and ravings of those who are not willing or able to take responsibility for their own reflections.

In order to be fully respected for who we are, we must learn to simply smile and acknowledge their moment while turning to walk away and leave them to their own devices.  This allows you to maintain self respect while teaching them some level of awareness that you are not available for their use and abuse.

REVEAL= exposing the truth no matter what or how it feels
REVEL= taking pleasure in the moment even if it’s painful to let go
REVELATION= the moment you recognize it is all about you – or has nothing to do with you