Well ~ Wellness ~ Wellbeing ~ Wealth

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to allow the very essence of the Divine to pour into and through our being with an endless flow of health and vitality.  The source of our supply is being increased to accommodate all of the prayers and desires being put forth into the collective.  We are being shown that there are no longer any reasons for limitation to hold us back, or keep us from our hearts dreams and purpose.

As the abundant flow of the essence of life moves into our crown, it then gently flows down through each of the chakras and fills them like a pool of endless love and vitality.  It is up to us to allow that energy to radiate inward,  outward and around us.  This increase of cosmic light and abundant radiance can clear any and all former illusionary limitations, imbalances, fears, judgements, worry or sense of lack.  The more you fill your well of wellbeing, the more you will experience the expansion of love and light in your life that reflects wealth and wellness.

Take a few moments and just breathe in the idea, expand it into a full breath of acceptance, and then breathe out any resistance or reluctance that might keep it from happening.  It is as simple as we allow it to be, and yet as profound as it is meant to be . . . breathe in . . . breathe out . . . and so it  begins.

WELL= the vessel we call our energetic body that is dimensional
WELLBEING= the state of grace we find when we love ourselves fully
WELLNESS= the physical expression of our inner beliefs and state of mind
WEALTH= the overall fulfillment of our souls ability to fully love and share love


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that when we look to the future of our souls journey, it is important to view it as a sense of gaining direction, and not comparing ourselves from where we are to where we are meant to be.  This compete and compare view provides us with a sense of sadness, sorrow and separation from our soul self and source.  The longing we hold in our heart can be a real detriment to the amount of courage and determination we are capable of using to accomplish our dreams and desires.

It is important to remember that each step we take from where we are, to where we are going allows us to embody the authentic compassion and understanding we need to have in order to share our wisdom with others.  When we have truly been there, done that, it is a genuine sense of knowing that allows us to be more patient, kind and tolerant of ourselves and each other.  We need this elevated state of awareness in order to successfully arrive at our destination of unconditional love.

Embrace the future, or your inevitable destination as a point of focus and guiding light that helps you find your way . . . let be an encouragement to your soul.

DIRECTION= a sense of where we are going and how we might get to our destiny
CONNECTION= a deep desire that transcends all reasoning and helps us arrive at our destiny
PERCEPTION= a powerful knowing that keeps us committed to living our destiny

The Dreamer In Me

The Dreamer Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to reconnect with the inner dreamer who holds the vision of guiding us to wonderful places yet undiscovered.  These magical places are birthed within our own minds and hearts as we seek to find the place of peace and contentment inside where we are joyful and happy.

Happiness is an inner state of grace where we are at one with all of our parts and at peace with how we fit into the cosmic puzzle.  Without us – the universe would be incomplete.  We are intrinsically part of a cosmic force that requires us to be fully present in order for there to be balance.  Finding that point of balance inside our soul is the most important of all tasks we are here to achieve.

The dreamer is a powerful source for discovering what may still be out of balance or requiring our undivided attention to allow our soul to blossom into the fullness of our power and potential.  Learning to listen to the dreamer can take some patience and tolerance of various parts of ourselves that can play a game of hide and seek.  The joy of finding them takes us back to childhood where the days of play and laughter still echo in our hearts.

VISIONS= the potential we see in ourselves
DREAMS= the possibilities we create for ourselves
ILLUSIONS= the portraits we paint to hide ourselves