The Matrix

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the current transformational energies and vibrations that are shaking up our world.  We are experiencing a cosmic shakedown like never before.  It is up to us to allow the flow of energy to access our divine blueprint and to reprogram our consciousness so that it aligns to the new paradigm.

From what seems like hopeless days of chaos and distress, will come a time of extraordinary peace and harmony.  The fact that we cannot see it yet, does not mean it doesn’t exist, it just means we are not aligned to it fully YET.  Give yourself permission to just let go and let it flow and see what happens.  This is a time of surrender and renewal that will make all of the former experiences seem worthwhile.

EXTERNAL= thoughts and ideas
INTERNAL= feelings and emotions
PATERNAL= information and intention
MATERNAL= nature and nurture
ETERNAL= mastery and majesty

Removing The Armour

Remove The Armor


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to consider that it may be time to remove the armour and get on with the AMOURE that is bursting forth from within our hearts.  When we have our hearts shielded, protected, blocked or otherwise unavailable to experience life through, we are in a state of unconsciousness.

Although most who have dedicated their lives to living a new way, or to be more open and honest with themselves and others would tend to say their heart is open . . . if there are still moments of deep sadness, defensiveness or distress then the answer would be maybe not.  We tend to think that some form of protection is the best way to make sure we are not getting hurt or harmed.  The fact is by setting something up between the universal flow of love and light and your inner divine light only causes confusion.

There is no greater power than love.  Love does not need defending or protecting, it simply needs the unconditional flow of your willingness to allow it.  At first the feelings of vulnerability will rise up and challenge you to trust this is true.  Your fear of being mistreated or misunderstood will swirl around in your energy field looking for excuses or reasons to doubt this truth.  But in the end trust – the truth is love will always prevail.

HEART= the inner domain of Source Energy
HURT= the illusion that we are not safe or secure if we love whole heartedly
HEAL= the reconstruction of your heart and hurt through unconditional love

One Thought That Changes Everything . . .

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider changing ONE thought that can affect ONE feeling that changes or alters ONES self in a powerful way.

As we look at the patterns or programs we tend to keep repeating, there is usually one consistent thought that triggers the same feeling and ends up giving us the same results over and over again. If you are feeling the need for change this would be a good place to begin.

Learning to identify the thought can take some detective work at soul level as it tends to be hidden deep down and in a dark place where we are not always willing to wander in to. The importance of this discovery will at some point compel you to go there. Trust it is the best choice you can make to help yourself learn, heal and grow.

When you discover the underlying thought that is attached to all those moments of fear, doubt or worry . . . it is an exciting treasure that will help you in so many ways. This is the law of simplification . . . how changing one simple thought can change EVERYTHING.

ONE THOUGHT= that affects everything you do
ONE FEELING= that repeats your reaction over & over
ONE OUTCOME= that challenges you to heal or grow . . .