Showering The Soul With Love

Nature Of My Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: embraces the showering of spring through the soul of our being. A celebration of new beginnings, and powerful blessings that elevate our awareness to the place of self love and attention to self worth.  We are a constantly evolving being of great light and curiosity.  Our need for new and better ways of living is calling upon our hearts to rise up and speak up from a place of honesty and integrity.

The spring rains herald the signal of a new day where things seem fresher, clearer and cleaner in our reality.  Allow the flow of the divine to filter through your perception as you choose to see things for what they truly are, instead of what you fear them to be.  There is a lesson and blessing in everything that you are experiencing.  The soul seeker will find this by being truthful and honest about the situation and take full responsibility where needed, while allowing others to simply play their roles in sharing it with you.

There comes a moment when the ellipse of the heart will sense a false flag of deception or intention as the point of balance is being crossed through the process of the experience.  Hold onto the light of love through this moment, and allow yourself to come out the other side with a greater vision of what is real, what is love and what is truth.  You will feel the power of creation like never before.

PURITY= how you choose to see what is really happening
HONESTY= how you truly feel about what is happening
INTEGRITY= how you embrace what is happening
DIVERSITY= how you accept everything that is happening as a blessing
SOLIDARITY= the moment enough have crossed the great divide to stand together as one.

The Reinstatement of Alpha Male

Eternal Love


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: encourages us to consider that there is a gap of energy absent in our current human experience that has been missing for a long time.  The role of alpha male has been dormant in the shadows of war and destruction for far too long.  It is time to reawaken ourselves to the desire for alpha male and his patriarchal powers.

Within all humans, there is a balance of energy that is required to feel complete.  When this balance is present, we have the blessing of awareness in action that allows both the male and the female to contribute equally to the sum of the whole (soul).

What has been seriously lacking in our energy field is the presence of truth, honesty, integrity and the desire for equality through divine support, encouragement and freedom to live our full potential.  When the male is present in all his infinite power, there is a sense of security and safety for all the inhabitants of our world.  When the alpha male is absent, there is a darkness that supports deception, war and a misuse of power that threatens everything and everyone.

Alpha Male qualities include:
HONESTY= an open hearted reflection of truth and fairness for all
INTEGRITY= the ability to represent your divine rights with gentle passion
DIVERSITY= an appreciation and respect for the differences we all represent

Change Your Own Nuclear Reactor!

Seeking The Shadow

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: sends a clear message to challenge us to shift to the next level of creation called co-creation.  At this level, we are able to manifest more clearly and easily than ever before.  The concept of conscious creation is moving through the collective and resetting everyones energy to a higher level of potential.

From this time forward, you will be shown how to take the information that is being shown to you or told to you and move it through the inner filter or reactor in a very different way. Instead of ‘reacting’ we will be slowing down our processing to create a more loving response.  This enables us to take what we feel is true, necessary, valid or essential to our well being and ‘respond’ in a loving way.

It is not about everything and everyone being in agreement!  It is about each and every heart being in alignment with a more peaceful way of living and being. In the past fear and judgment were the vibrational energies that entered into our hearts and minds and made us defensive, aggressive or abusive.  By taking the extra time and using your divine filter of patience, tolerance and forgiveness, you will rise above adversity and begin to celebrate diversity!  This is the new level of Divine Soul University, where we learn unconditional love.

ADVERSITY= the potential for conflict and chaos
DIVERSITY= the potential for a broad spectrum of options and opportunity
UNIVERSITY= the potential for all to honour and respect/accept every aspect of creation