TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings an awareness to our soul as a caution in these challenging times.  Our focus and intentions are being distracted from what is truly important and necessary for our wellbeing and soul work.

Each time we engage in activities that are not in alignment with our souls purpose, we are compromising our frequencies and vibration to a lower level.  These times are designed to do exactly that . . . keep us so distracted that we can loose sight of our purpose and the plan we are here to embody.

There will always be a darkness in the field of creation.  These days there appears to be a greater awareness of that darkness as part of the great awakening.  It does not mean there is more darkness than light, just that it is no longer hidden which means the darkness is on the move – it is rising.  When darkness rises it begins to deconstruct itself and defuse the power that it held into a weaker state.  We will call this a blessing even though humanity is in great fear and turmoil throughout this process.

There are within humanity light codes that are coming into alignment with the next phase of creation and evolution.  This process will expose the darkness or void that is within each soul to acknowledge and recalibrate in a slow but steady movement towards an enlightened state.  Be not afraid of this but surrender to the knowing you are right on schedule for the great awakening of humanity and the shift of the ages.  You have entered the new age of AQUARIUS and that means the light is turning on your inner programs, patterns and potential to experience greater enlightenment.

AWAKE= a divine state of consciousness that creates a loving world
AWARE= an understanding of the cosmic plan and its purpose on Earth
AWARD= a gift of wisdom that is shared with self and others who are awake










TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us recognize how our energy level can affect not only our own field of creation, but also that of others.  We are interconnected by the forces of love and through that connection learn from each other by our actions and reactions to life’s challenges.

The inner connection to source is enhanced or inhibited by our willingness to allow the flow of energy to move through freely.  When it is not moving freely we can experience technical difficulties with our reception and interaction of information and communication.

Each level of vibration allows us to see more clearly, or dive deep into illusions where we cannot see the truth or what is real.  The lower the vibration . . . the lower the thoughts and feelings become.  Our deepest level of vibrational distortion comes in the form of depression.  The only way out of this level is to start focusing on higher visions, inspirations and directions for our energy to follow.

ENERGETIC= the free flow of vibrational energy moving through us without distortions
KINETIC= the interaction of our energy within and with others in the form of actions
STATIC= the chaotic field of energy that we use when we are in reactions
FRENETIC= the lowest form of energy that keep us in illusionary distractions