TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes into the depths of despair and darkness to discover our inner truth that has been hidden for many lifetimes.  The core belief and perception of our soul is imbedded in this dark place until the season arrives when we are ready to transform and awaken.  The journey has been long and challenging but each soul has the blueprint and the plan to unfold it in divine timing and order.  There’s no rushing perfection and there isn’t a short cut to be found.  Each soul is unique and divine in its creation, therefore so too is the solution to each and every challenge we create to learn from.

The greatest challenge humanity is facing at this time is to learn to OBSERVE the differences between us instead of JUDGE them.  There in-lies the key to clarity and clearing of our karmic programs.  The moment we awaken to the awareness that we are all unique, no two the same, no one better than the other, no one is less than or more than equal, we find the greatest gift awaiting us.  DISCERNMENT is the point of balance where we acknowledge each other in a new way.  We no longer judge, fear or compare the differences between us.  That dark void or gap was designed and created to keep us separated.  To make us feel there is a better side or more powerful side that only those that have the power to control it can benefit from it, is the name of the game being played.  This illusion has captured the entire consciousness of humanity for many lifetimes as we all subjected ourselves and each other to the deceptive games of darkness where we never fully succeed, win or find freedom.

The gap between Limited Love and Unconditional Love is designed and supported through the use of JUDGEMENT.  When we FEAR the illusion that we are less than, or greater than another creation, we are contributing to the structure of the gap and make sure it is maintained willingly.  Once we realize that the game is designed to harm us, hurt us or create hate within us . . . we get to consciously choose to continue or terminate the desire to play along.

Think of the simple snow flake – every single one is different from the other, unique in its own way and design.  We celebrate that difference as a blessing, but when it comes to humans – we find a way to diminish it, judge it and ultimately fear it as something we can’t tolerate or accept.  Think of the seasons and how we go through them as a soul  . . . Notice the progressive difference that is created when we have a perception change.  The DIFFERENCE is the same experience or event is witnessed and observed from a DIFFERENT perception.  From there, we make a DECISION to accept or reject the event.

FIRST SNOW FALL – is MAGICAL – we see the first flakes in the air and like little children an excitement and wonder is ignited within. (Inner Child)

SECOND SNOW FALL – is MYSTICAL – we see beyond the single flake and watch the landscape change from dark to light as snow covers everything. (Youthful Child)

THIRD SNOW FALL – it is MEMORABLE – we share the event with others or even write it in our journal about the day and how snow changed it. (Young Adult)

FOURTH SNOW FALL – it is MESSY – we start to see the work involved in what snow does and is as we try to keep our areas cleared and safe. (Adult)

FIFTH SNOWFALL – it is MOVEABLE – we find ways to deal with it and at times resent that fact it can be inconvenient or dangerous. (Midlife Adult)

SIXTH SNOWFALL – it is MADDENING – we find it frustrating, difficult, limiting and hard work to clear it so we can move about. (Aged Adult)

Now think of your friendships, relationships, even your own perception when you continue to view yourself in the mirror of life.  See how we progressively drop down the frequency scale by perceiving it in DIFFERENT WAYS.  The challenge for humanity now is to HONOUR THE DIFFERENCES and accept that each one, in every moment, is worthy and deserving of LOVE.  No matter who you are, where you are or why you are doing what you are doing, you are always and eternally loveable.  Once we collectively rise to this level of unity and oneness . . . the Matrix falls apart and the game of Karma is OVER.  


The Pathway Of Dreams & Desires

Self Awareness

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us of the lengthy journey we take between initiating our dreams and desires, and our destiny of fulfilling them.  This pathway takes many steps in order to complete the experience and reap the rewards.  Each step that we take teaches us to honour and respect our own thoughts and insights as we sort through the maze of possibilities and potentials.

The hardest part of the process, is to NOT listen to the voice of others that can distract us and discourage us from reaching our destiny.  We must learn to respect our own inner voice as the one that knows the best possible direction we can go without getting discouraged or defeated along the way.  This is called discernment and it truly makes the journey of living our dreams more viable.

The space between our initial dream or desire and our destiny, is as long or short as we are willing to make it.  The art of conscious creation allows us to shorten the gap or space in between down to a minimal size without removing the lesson and the blessing of learning along the way.

DREAM= the idea that something is possible/probable
DESIRE= the feeling that it is worth exploring/experiencing
DESTINY= the ultimate result of our determination/descisions