And A Little Child Shall Lead Them Home

Maternal Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings home the truth about ourselves and our loved ones when it comes to gifts and giving.  This year for Christmas, we decided to provide our grandchildren with newer updated toys for when they come to visit.  They had reached the age where the other toys were too young and therefore not inspiring for them to play with when they come to visit.

Our idea of not giving them directly to the kids was so they would not feel they had to take them home after opening them on Christmas Eve.  That would be a very hard thing for them to understand, so we came up with a plan to gift them to each other.  I gave Grampa a box containing 5 sets of lego blocks that would inspire hours of creative play and interaction with all his grandkids – and Grampa gave me a box filled with 8 different barbie dolls complete with extra clothes and accessories.

How did we know, that this would be a disappointment to the grandkids!  They looked at their usual gift of pyjamas and slippers along with a stuffed animal puppy to enjoy cuddling as they went home to get ready for Santa, and said ‘Is that all there is?”  This was an unexpected disappointment on both sides.  We were sure they would appreciate all the new things that they could experience when they came to visit us – but they were looking at what they would be taking home and their eyes said it all.

So in my conversation with Source before bed, I asked – ‘Why are we always such a disappointment to our children and grandchildren?”  And the unexpected answer came back – ” Now you know how I feel.  I answer prayers, assist recoveries, inspire blessings and a multitude of other miraculous events to all of my beloved creations, and they still seem to be searching for more . . . and some are even disappointed with what they got.”

DISAPPOINTMENT= not receiving what we thought we deserved
DISCOURAGEMENT= feeling we will never get what we deserve
DISPARAGEMENT= not understanding what we truly desire