The Dreamer In Me

The Dreamer Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to reconnect with the inner dreamer who holds the vision of guiding us to wonderful places yet undiscovered.  These magical places are birthed within our own minds and hearts as we seek to find the place of peace and contentment inside where we are joyful and happy.

Happiness is an inner state of grace where we are at one with all of our parts and at peace with how we fit into the cosmic puzzle.  Without us – the universe would be incomplete.  We are intrinsically part of a cosmic force that requires us to be fully present in order for there to be balance.  Finding that point of balance inside our soul is the most important of all tasks we are here to achieve.

The dreamer is a powerful source for discovering what may still be out of balance or requiring our undivided attention to allow our soul to blossom into the fullness of our power and potential.  Learning to listen to the dreamer can take some patience and tolerance of various parts of ourselves that can play a game of hide and seek.  The joy of finding them takes us back to childhood where the days of play and laughter still echo in our hearts.

VISIONS= the potential we see in ourselves
DREAMS= the possibilities we create for ourselves
ILLUSIONS= the portraits we paint to hide ourselves

Winter Wolf Moon

Clan Memories


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to look at the fullness of our future and see the blessings of the ages that are unfolding.  We are in a phase of creation where the wilderness of our dreams is beginning to call into being the truth of what we desire.  The spirit of the lone wolf has been guiding us deeper and deeper into our own hearts sanctuary where the real part of our soul is awakening. We have walked away from so many partnerships, friendships, and relationships in pursuit of this destiny.

Each time we take an inner journey to the place where there is only the wild spirit of our true nature, we discover a part of ourselves that is longing to be set free.  The challenge is to listen without feeling in some way overwhelmed by what absolute freedom would mean.  We are so used to the social and political boundaries that have been set in place for centuries, that the thought of living outside those boundaries can be intimidating.

The spirit of the wolf moon adds a full dimension of possibilities that we can at least consider what life is going to be like when we allow our soul to live free and clear of all fears and judgements, conditions and criticisms.  To once again follow our true soul’s desires and lift our sights to a higher level of freedom for all.  First the vision – then the direction will be shown to us as the future unfolds a realm of unlimited creation.

VISUALIZE= holding the image of what your heart desires
EMPATHIZE= understand the significance of what that will create
REALIZE= manifest the true reality that you are destined to live in

The Pathway Of Dreams & Desires

Self Awareness

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us of the lengthy journey we take between initiating our dreams and desires, and our destiny of fulfilling them.  This pathway takes many steps in order to complete the experience and reap the rewards.  Each step that we take teaches us to honour and respect our own thoughts and insights as we sort through the maze of possibilities and potentials.

The hardest part of the process, is to NOT listen to the voice of others that can distract us and discourage us from reaching our destiny.  We must learn to respect our own inner voice as the one that knows the best possible direction we can go without getting discouraged or defeated along the way.  This is called discernment and it truly makes the journey of living our dreams more viable.

The space between our initial dream or desire and our destiny, is as long or short as we are willing to make it.  The art of conscious creation allows us to shorten the gap or space in between down to a minimal size without removing the lesson and the blessing of learning along the way.

DREAM= the idea that something is possible/probable
DESIRE= the feeling that it is worth exploring/experiencing
DESTINY= the ultimate result of our determination/descisions