Full Moon Dreaming

The Real Me

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to shine our inner light in a brighter way today.  Let go of the veils of illusion, the layers of deception, the reasons for living a less than loving life.  In these times of great changes, it is easy to try and ignore the blatant messages that keep surfacing for us to view and review.

As the images of our inner soul are being captured for our mind and emotions to witness, we have a choice to either pay attention to them, or to ignore them until they are so blown out of proportion we cannot miss them.  If you are not allowing the clearing of your conscience to take place, then chances are you are repeating some very intense patterns and programs that are filled with the full moon version of what you are meant to learn.

Stand back from each situation and view it from the place of where the moon stands in the stillness of the sky.  The horizon of your problems will shift and change, ebb and wane, rise and fall with every breath you take.  Let the rhythm of this motion bring into focus your most sacred self and allow the truth to be reflected to you in a very powerful way.

FULL MOON= a spot light that shines on you
FULL FEELING= a feeling that rises from within you
FULL VIEW= a revelation that awakens you
FULFILLED= a state of grace that defines you