Conversations With Your Inner Child


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: suggests we would all benefit from a little chat time with our inner child.  They are the source of our joy, happiness and innocence.  When they are feeling sad or neglected, it is reflected in our daily lives as loneliness.  That deep inner feeling that seems to allude even the most dedicated seeker when we are not connected to our innocence.  That soft and gentle part of us is in charge of allowing us to be genuine and authentic.

It may take a few attempts to contact your inner child if you have not been paying attention to it for a long period of time.  This tiny voice can be so faint it sounds like it is in the ethers and not even part of your soul self.  Keep listening until you can hear what that voice is trying to say to you.  It can be very frustrating to only hear parts of it, or sounds instead of words, but it is truly worth paying attention to.

When you have made a clear connection, the comments coming from your inner child will be very precise in what is being shared.  They don’t mince words, or beat around the bush.  They like to tell it like it is and you better be ready to listen. Don’t question what is being said – just accept it as an important key to your overall state of wellbeing and happiness.

SILENCE= not feeling heard or listened to
WHISPER= feeling unsure and insecure about being heard
SOUNDS= sending something so you feel encouraged to continue
SENTENCES= offering pure wisdom and truth you need to hear