TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a very close look at the way we manifest our dreams and desires.  We all begin with the best of intentions and then slowly slide down the scale of vibration to the sum and total of our least desires.  The automatic filtering of our fears, doubts and worries affect our faith in who we are and what we are capable of.

Inspiration comes at the highest level of what we are capable of achieving.  This is the way we begin each project or process as we believe in the best of everything possible for ourselves.  The subconscious mind has a program running that will contradict just about anything you think about yourself as a way of challenging you to grow.  So if you are excited about the possibilities of achieving something, by the time you go through all of your former memories, experiences and outcomes, chances are your dream just turned into a night mare that seems more than just familiar – it is a chronic condition that you are suppose to be breaking out of.

Here is a view of the slide ride of events that take our best possible intentions and transform them into something very different than what we originally thought! The challenge of today is to catch yourself doing it – and self correct to a better level of truth, that is more in alignment with the person you have become.  We raise ourselves up by breaking the illusions we are in. 101 good intentions will go absolutely no where without a sense of direction . . . find yours and follow it!

Solar Plexus Chakra aligns to DISTRACTION~DEPRESSION~DESPERATION . . .
Sacral Chakra interaction through RECREATION~RELATION~REPETITION . . .
Root Chakra find your limits through DECISION~DESTRUCTION~DOMINATION . . .



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings our focus back to the source of our intention and the desire to manifest our dreams and desires.  What we focus on becomes our vibrational ‘tone’ or point of attraction.  When we are consistently focused on the external challenges of our life, we get lost in the shuffle of choices and options.  It can appear to be quite overwhelming at times and down right upsetting in the relentlessness of our shadow self who’s voice will appear to be louder than any other.

Drawing our attention back to the basic power of INTENTION will help diminish the voice of the critic, the judge and the fear of failure illusion we seem to like to follow.  The pursuit of dreams and desires can fade very quickly and seem far beyond our grasp when we give up our clear focus and intention practice.

Getting back to the basics helps restore order and balance to the mind and emotions so they can once again align themselves together in support of what you are intending to create or change about yourself and your life in general.  The simplicity of the I AM declaration can bring a greater connection to your source of supply and help to bridge the gap between where you are . . . and where you desire to be.

INTENTION= the focus you consciously choose to follow
DETECTION= paying attention to the tension when you are off course
CORRECTION= release resistance to allowing source to guide and assist you
DIRECTION= a sense of power and presence that lets you know when you are on track

Human Soul – Source Connection

Spring Solstice

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us understand the significance and necessity of having a strong soul connection to the source of our creation.  This connection begins at the moment of conception where the vibrational frequency is set to the level of love that is present within the male and female union.

In order for this vibration to be established there is an imprinting of the ‘signature’ or soul contract that is imbedded into the original blueprint.  As the fetus begins to develop, the characteristics of that blueprint take form and create a physical expression of the data that is then transferred to each and every cell in the body.  This will be reflected through the physical, mental and emotional field of potential.

It is vitally important for the completion of a soul’s evolution that the parents are able to fully participate in their development.  This means that there will be a natural flow of attention from the male side, and affection from the female side of BOTH parents.  To have one or both of these interactions missing causes a great amount of chaos and confusion for the infant and ultimately affects their souls development.

Without these natural states of interaction, a child feels that they are unloved, unworthy and unwanted creating a life of being chronically unhappy.  This is the basis of all dis-ease and dysfunctional behaviour.

ATTENTION= the initial interest and focus given to a child
AFFECTION= the nurturing and compassion offered to a child
CONNECTION= the bridge of love that reflects the value placed on a child