We All Need Encouragement

Transformational Door

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers words of encouragement to those of us who have had enough of the trauma and drama of life and just want to live in peace.  The voice of our own soul is permeating our inner sanctuary and lifting our spirits to a higher vibration.  It is up to us to listen, to hear, to see and to allow the shift of consciousness that is taking place to bring a more open minded/hearted state of grace.

That chronic voice of criticism must be silenced if we are going to live beyond the guilt, shame and blame we all like to pass around like a false flag of faith.  Our inner critic has been giving us advise and suggestions since childhood.  If you are tired of that whiney child that cries to you in the night, then you need to consider giving it enough love and attention that it feels nothing but love from now on.

Learning to be complimentary to others is a pretty safe and easy step to take as we know we need to be kinder and more compassionate, but having that same level of compassion for our own inner spirit takes some serious focus and dedication.  Each time that voice comes to challenge you or berate you – embrace it with love.  No matter what it is telling you or suggesting to you that you may or not be worthy and loveable – love it anyway and love it genuinely.

THE CRIER= those moments when we are being childish
THE CRITIC= those moments when we are judging unfairly
THE CRONE= those moments when we love the unloveable

Compassionate Conversations

Rainbow Warriors

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that after all of the gatherings and celebrations we have been attending, are we feeling like we were heard?  like we made a difference?  that we contributed something special to the lives of others?

At this point in our evolutionary journey, we must focus diligently on the energy we are contributing to the sum of the whole.  If the conversation you are engaged in is not uplifting, encouraging or inspiring towards self and others, then it is an opportunity for you to elevate the energy by turning the focus towards a more loving direction.

It is easy to get caught up in dialogues that repeat the old patterns of criticism, humiliation or just plain judgment, but we are in a place of knowing better now, so it is time to do better, and then ultimately our whole world will be better.  This process takes courage, for many are still stuck in their rut of victim or needing to be right.  Be gentle in your redirection of their focus, and see how easily you can become the leader of our new world of peace instead of a follower in the old world of war.

COMPLIMENTARY= help others see their sacred side
ENCOURAGING= support the growth of soul self & others
UPLIFTING= take the focus to a new and higher awareness
INSPIRING= show others how much better it feels