Keep Your Eyes On The Skies

Sun Sation

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to watch the world from a greater perspective as our visions of clarity begin to broaden beyond the horizon.  With every day there is a newness and a freshness that comes with the early morning sunrise and ends with the late day sunset.  This is the alpha and omega that we must learn to live within.

Each day is a new day to explore and experience whatever we choose to.  We are free to explore the vastness of the world we live in with the freedom to make choices to contribute what we feel we are willing to offer.  We can contribute love and light, or judgment and fear.  Both are possible to learn from, but the overall outcome of the day will feel vastly different if we invest ourselves wisely and lovingly.  Be the beacon of light that you have been looking for.

SUNRISE= the opportunity to do something amazing with your life
SUNSHINE= the endless energy of love and light to sustain you
SUNSET= the completion or conclusion of what you chose to create today

A Soul Story Only Our Heart Knows

Prayer For Union

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us of a story we hold  in our hearts that will only be brought into being when we are ready to share ourselves at the deepest level.  This is a union and reunion of the complete soul and how we attract to ourselves the complimentary half of who we are.  This can mean a relationship, or a connection to source that fills the emptiness we hold inside for what seems like eternity.

At times we are reminded that we wrote this story, have lived each and every chapter, page and paragraph as best we could in anticipation that the ending will reflect a fairy tale come true.  To some that is the discovery of self and all the facets of our soul that make us feel complete, and to others it is the merging and emerging of the larger version of ourselves that reflects the divine mother and father.  Either way, we hold a sense of great love for this moment and await its arrival.

BEGINNING= the map we laid out for ourselves to follow
MIDDLE= the direction we are traveling at the moment
END= the place where destiny and desire and destination come together

What Chapter Are You Living In?

My Story

TODAY’ LIFE LESSON: shares an intimate story about life and how we live it.  There are various versions of our story that we hold onto that create a challenging life for ourselves and those that we love.  The past is designed to tell his-tory where we remember the details of what happened to us and how it affected us.  In order to move on and grow past these events, we must delve into the current way we feel about the past.

That would be her-story that continues to hold onto the past by reliving the feelings and emotions that our experience created.  These feelings are very demanding in the way they require us to explain, excuse or justify ourselves to the world we live in.  Letting go of these intense feelings can take a lot of courage but in the end it is what sets us free to carry on and grow up.

Then there is the unresolved mys-teries where we are not sure where it all began, what really happened, or even if it was the way remembered it or not.  Sometimes when we constantly review the past, we alter it to accommodate what we thought it meant, or what we needed it to be to support our judgments and fears.  The further we get from the truth, the deeper we go into denial.

HIS-STORY= memories of the past that hold us prisoner
HER-STORY= feelings from the pst that keep us limited
MY-STORY= mysterious truths that must be discovered to complete the lesson