TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – is a message about the vast changes and transformation that is taking place on our planet right now. There are so many different ideas being shared and speculated on that the mental capacity if the human mind is becoming overwhelmed. This is a time where clarity and discernment are the most valuable assets a soul can have to find the truth hidden amoungst the illusions and lies.

The only true vision a soul can work with is the one that is held within your heart. If you have been doing your own personal soul work, then you know the purpose of the heart is to guide and direct us through the maze of life by helping us follow the feelings that bring happiness, hope and healing for us as individuals and ultimately for humanity as a whole.

We have plenty of ‘thoughts’ that float through our minds in a day, and they are instantly responded to by our ‘feelings’. When this is REFLECTED internally as a ‘good’ feeling that could be described as faith, we are more inclined to react to it by following or considering what it is offering us in the way of guidance. When it is REFLECTED in a ‘bad’ way or fear, we go into survival reaction and shut down, put up a wall and turn off our guidance system through the presence of fear.

Our outer world is a direct REFLECTION of our inner world. When we look around and see beauty, order, peace and creative inspiration that feels good – it enhances our hearts light and it REFLECTS more of that feeling internally, and then externally . . . we create our own reality that way.

The light of creation beams into our body through our crown chakra and then travels throughout our body and being where the meridian lines are open and the energy centres or chakras are clear. When they are not due to our current state of wellness/illness challenges, the light is then REFRACTED into a denser form of energy that can be painful, hurtful or stagnant in areas where we tend to experience illness or issues. The longer this is present, the more our life force diminishes.

We are designed to shine like a diamond – and reflect the light of creation internally and externally with equal passion and presence.

REFLECTION= the visual reality we project internally and externally based on our level of acceptance/rejection.
REACTION= the emotional reality we create with our responses through faith or fear that determine our state of wellness/illness.
REFRACTION= the action we inevitably share based on how open and active our internal being is and what level of alignment we allow through our will/worry.










TODAYS LIFE LESSON: invites us to spend some time each day in our inner sanctuary where all things spiritual and divine are made clearer. This is a place where we can consciously create our new reality and soul desires.

When we dedicate ourselves to clearing the old we make way for the new.  Old thoughts, feelings, memories and traumas can be transformed in this inner place of peace and tranquility.

Find a place where you feel safe and secure, serene and assured of your truth, your perceptions and beliefs can be altered there. Clearing the mind and emotions can greatly affect your daily experience and the outcome.

SECURE= feeling at home and at peace with soul self and life
SURE= feeling confident and courageous about conquering life challenges
ASSURE= feeling supported and calm while you transform the old ways



Elemental Fire

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Long before we arrive here on the planet of transformation and change, we make contracts and agreements with other souls who are on a quest for similar growth and knowledge.  These contracts are the blueprints for our souls journey and help facilitate the direction our life will go.  They are a general map of the challenges and choices we will make and are subject to completion once we have explored all of the variations these trials and tribulations can bring.

Karma is the complex game of balance.  For everything we choose and experience in the shadow side of ourselves, we will also create the sunny side as a full spectrum of understanding and compassion that inevitably comes from playing both sides of the pendulum.  These difficult challenges come with a built in support system that is offered by our family, friends and foes . . . they all play an equal roll.

Although most of us would be quick to select the hero or the benevolent characters to portray as our true self, we must also be willing to play the villain, the victim and the victor in every way.  It is important to remember in the middle of ‘the game’ or ‘the show’, that we VOLUNTEERED to do this for each other.  More can be learned from controversy than from complacency.

FAMILY= the full range of support for our learning requirements from happy to harmful, to hurtful and hateful
FRIENDS= those that challenges us to grow by acceptance, rejection or total denial
FOES= our most feared and judged qualities showing up as reflections of what we hold inside such as fears, phobias and belief in failure.