What part of Soul Self runs your life?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us taking a closer “look” at what we see when we first glance at something that is new to us.  What part do you record first?  the overall image? the shape? the colours? the flaws?  Our first impression has a lot to do with how we see things in life, and what part of us is in charge of documenting or observing how we relate to people, things, situations and challenges.  Based on your reaction to the hand drawn image that reflects various challenges for the eye/mind/soul to see, what part of you runs your life?

THE CRITIC SELF= sees the faults, flaws, inconsistencies or mistakes
THE COMPASSIONATE SELF= sees the effort, hard work, or intentions
THE CARING SELF= sees the ways it can be improved, changed or helped
THE CREATIVE SELF= sees the colours, contrast, or variations possible
THE CONSTRUCTIVE SELF= sees how it is designed, put together, or built
THE CONFLICTING SELF= sees how it is different, not the same or unacceptable










TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that It is important to acknowledge and accept that our natural state of grace has an ebb and flow to it that reflects our willingness to love and be loved.  The amount of energy (thoughts) and synergy (feelings) that we experience is directly connected to our level of willingness to allow our intentions to be loving.

We should not consider sharing from our well of wellbeing and wellness unless it is full and overflowing.  This is the secret to having abundant good health and prosperity; for if we overspend our resources, we then end up in a state of need or greed that compels us to exist for the sake of others . . . thus forsaking ourselves.

If the entire world of humanity was aware of this, and lived vicariously through the concept of only share what you have when it is in a place of abundance, we would have less conflict.  Most of the worlds conflicts are fought over resources.  The idea that there is not enough comes from the collective consciousness of the human race and not from the benevolent reality of nature.  In nature there is plenty for all, and even the need to provide for each other fades away.  We are the source of our own supply. Sharing is caring, but it must come from a place of fullness and not a desperation of emptiness.

WELLNESS = living with a full heart filled and overflowing with love
WELLBEING = a fullness that overflows when faith is present
WILLINGNESS = the power to replenish any resource that is desired or required
WHOLENESS  = complete balance and grace built on a foundation of endless love


FAMILY~FRIENDS~FOES – who needs your love?

Return To Avalon

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider all of the people we have made our life journey with, and how they have played significant roles in our personal development.  Some will have been an encouragement, some would be a discouragement, but each and every one did it from a place of love and support.

We tend to think that we must keep everyone in our circle of experience happy with us in order to appreciate them being family or friends.  We learn just as much from the ones that are in conflict with us as we do the ones that compliment us.  At this time in our sacred journey, there is a shake up going on that will literally have all of the leaves falling off your family tree, your friends will want to walk away for reasons unknown and complete strangers will have strong opinions about you in moments that are hurtful.

The challenge is – are you willing to allow yourself to accept that you are ok with all of that by remaining calm, compassionate and understanding in the midst of all the chaos?  The only one that you can truly work with is yourself.  Self is the key to finding everlasting peace and self love that eventually will be exchanged with those that have also been through the test and found a new sense of independence born of unconditional love.

FAMILY= the ones you were born to love
FRIENDS= the ones you chose to love
FOES= the ones you need to love – who need your love the most.