TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shows us the importance of living a life that is our legacy.  This means we are leaving an energetic impression with everything we do and say as if it is being recorded in the etheric realm.  Some would call this the Akashic Records as the entire journey of our soul is there for you to review between lifetimes so you can alter your course of action and attraction of what you need to learn in order to evolve.

When we live each day as if it was our last day, we address each moment differently that we would if it was unending.  Leaving a legacy takes on a more profound meaning as you consciously consider how you will be remembered and to what extent you were able to fulfill your true purpose or potential.  The small things will not seem as important, and the larger things will not have as much significance if you are only going to experience them for the remainder of that day.

We have the potential to transform anything and everything we encounter into a more livable, loveable and likeable form.  That is the ultimate challenge we face in our final moments.  What really matters?  What significance does it have, and what benefit will it bring if it is the only thing I accomplish today?

Both the bat and the butterfly live vicariously in the moment.  They have nothing else to distract them and no one else they would rather be than what they are.  The only difference is one is at home in the damp and dark, and the other prefers the warmth of light to do what needs to be done.  So really in at the end of every day, they have successfully completed what they were created to do!  We learn just as much from the darkness as we do from the light.  They are just different and that is the difference our choices can make every day.

BATS= seeking what they know will satisfy their needs and they are contented to enjoy just that and no more no less. They do not accumulate things to feel safe or successful.

BUTTERFLIES= seek to discover things wherever they go and take the time to draw the sweetness from it until they are satisfied. Everything they touch provides the nectar of joy as they gently take it in and fulfill their desires.