TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – invites us to take a closer look at how we view our world and what limitations we may be placing on the challenges we have so passionately manifested for ourselves.  We create these lessons to learn from but when we have completed them, it is time to release them into the vibrational field for renewal and updating.

Each time we cross a line where we have not been before, it sets off all kinds of alarms, concerns, fears, judgments and worries about our security, safety and survival.  This is part of our own instincts that helps us determine if we are ready to evolve, or decide to go another round with our karmic circle . . . or some would call it circus.

BURDENS= what we carry forward as guilt, shame, blame
BOUNDARIES= the lines we draw to define ourselves in relation to others
BARRIERS= illusions we support that keep us limited until we are ready to grow
BLOCKS=  traumas that we use to anchor ourselves in the past
BELIEFS=  programs and patterns that we hold in our memories

The Hardest Words To Say

Sun Sation








TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a powerful message about a simple truth that we are all being challenged with these days.  We are so used to making peace with whatever comes our way, that we forget about the importance of truth and integrity.

Have you noticed that two of the hardest words for us to say are the shortest and potentially the simplest in the english language?  YES  &  NO.  They are so powerfully linked to what our heart desires that we can miss their  messages and complicate their purpose so easily.

Most of us would admit that saying NO  to someone we love and care about is very challenging.  When we intuitively understand that saying no would actually be more helpful and encouraging to their spirit – we still soften our response down to a hesitant YES.  This dishonours the person by interfering with their ability to resolve things on their own.  It has come to the time when we must stand strong and say NO with the confidence of knowing they must face something they have been avoiding or denying as part of their life lessons.

On the other side of that, we have been greatly challenged to say YES when we are offered assistance, guidance or inspiration from spirit.  Our independent nature takes over and we push away the blessings and abundance that is trying to find its way into our current experience.  Source energy loves to flow through us without any resistance to its powerful flow.  Sometimes the blessings of assistance is not saying so much that you could not do it yourself, but that you are worthy of help and comfort along the way.

Time to turn things around!  Say YES  to the power of Source and all its abundance and say NO to the temptation to fix things for others so they don’t have to. . .

NO = a deep desire to be independent and to create things by controlling the flow.
YES = a fearful desire to avoid the awkward moments of having to watch others fall.