How Our Soul Leaves It’s Mark Everywhere We Go



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are constantly leaving a trail of evidence that we exist here on planet earth.  On so many levels, we are being recorded and remembered by the very energy field we inhabit.  It can be as simple as the things we physically touch, to the path we continually tread, to the overall energetic impression we leave in the wake of our breath.

As we realize more deeply how profound our journey is, we begin to be more heartful and mindful about the intentions we use to manifest our daily lives.  To be remembered for our great deeds and loving kindness is so much more benevolent that leaving monuments of touchable, tangible stuff.

How do you want to be remembered when your time here is done?  What legacy would you prefer to leave to those who carry on your genetic lineage of light?  When you make those choices to rise above the challenges you have lived through and create a better world than when you arrived – it is a sacred journey.  One that few may remember, but many will benefit from.

FINGER PRINT=personality
FOOT PRINT=  humanity
BLUEPRINT= divinity

How Do You Know What You Feel Is Real?

Painted Pony

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to go within and check out our own version of finding the truth.  There are so many things in the world that we can be distracted by, or influenced by, so it is even more important these days to stay connected.

Every time we make a choice or a decision, there is an internal connection to it that allows us to feel confident – or concerned.  To take the most accurate direction we must be fully aligned and attuned to our inner blueprint that determines our destiny.  We are born with a plan, grow up creating from that plan, and then begin to discover variations of the plan that can help us evolve and complete the life lesson it is trying to teach us.

To visualize the variables in your plan, spend some time seeing yourself moving in the direction you THINK you want to go and then wait.  The longer you wait, the stronger the FEELING will become that either supports that direction, or challenges you to pick a better one.  Shift your focus to the next image and then follow it until you feel it lifting you higher in energy and vibration.  The best feeling will take you in the most promising direction.

DECISION= our choice that helps us grow or heal
CONNECTION= the internal level of energy that supports our choice
DIRECTION= guidance from within that helps us discover answers