Family, Friends, Foes

The Art Of Balance

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a common theme among those of us who are intending to have a more balanced and holistic lifestyle.  The shift is being driven by our inner longing for peace and tranquility in the face of adversity.  Each and every heart is purging the layers of hurt it has been holding onto.

Our true nature is being shown a whole new perspective on what is important, or relevant and what is simply a waste of time and effort.  To continue to build bridges and fences with those that are not in alignment with the concept of fairness, kindness and honesty is a  sure way to have your heart hurt one more time.  Selecting relationships that will be more sensitive to you and your uniqueness will become a daily blessing that will lift you higher than those who don’t understand you or accept you.

The most challenging of all relationships are those that are coming from our loved ones.  Our families, our friends, and yes even our foes are contributing to our current growth and development at soul level.  The more they reject you – the more you will feel independent and challenged to stand alone with a heart that is overflowing with love.  This is the beginning of connecting to the source of unconditional love.  Just remember – they are doing this to test you first, but then to help you achieve what was formerly impossible.

FAMILY= kindred spirit by chance and by choice
FRIENDS= chosen spirits by head and heart
FOES= requested spirits by karma and clearing


Celebration copy

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: compliments those who are still hanging in there with all of the turmoil that is raging around the world.  It takes a great deal of courage and commitment to hold the light when so much is happening to make it fade.  This too shall pass as we remember the invincible inner light we carry and that it is eternal.

Let the world be your halo of love and affection.  Don’t engage directly, but learn to emanate your light radially.  In your meditations, see the glow of your light illuminating everything and everyone around you in a haze of glory.  This silent gift of love will soften even the most hardened of hearts from the inside out.

At times when there are no words to describe how we feel about the chaos and the destruction, we are given the blessing of diffusing this energy with a simple heart felt prayer for peace and protection.  Surround yourself with the light of grace, fill yourself with the blessing of peaceful power, and elevate yourself to a higher plane of awareness that transcends all harmful vibration of energy.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE LIGHT OF GRACE= this is our personal right and ability to keep the balance of love within us when all else is in its chaotic cycle.

FILL YOURSELF WITH THE BLESSING OF PEACEFUL POWER= we have the ability to embrace or conquer all things we have created or requested.  That is how we evolve and grow as a soul.

ELEVATE YOURSELF TO A HIGHER PLANE= a place where we are safe, secure and serene while all others are in a state of chaos or destruction.  We have the ability and the right to choose where we will be during these cycles.

Happy Easter Blessings

Rebirth Of A Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: lifts the light of creation to shine upon each and every soul that inhabits the Earth.  May this day reflect the love and joy and radiance of a new beginning with a sense of Oneness and Awe.  We are on an amazing journey to the place where we can enjoy the fruits of our labours, and the benefits of our creative powers.

Take time today to be grateful and thankful for the simple things that make your life worthwhile.  Enjoy the moment to moment wonders of nature as she awakens in the Northern Hemisphere, and begins the process of slumber in the South.  It is all in harmony and balance with the destiny we share as one Human family of light.

SUNRISE= a new  beginning of endless possibilities
SUNLIGHT= an energy of life and love that creates all things
SUNSET= a time of reflecting on the blessings & benefits of life