Magical Moments

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers the words of love and adoration that comes from within the sacredness of each heart.  In these holy days and celestial events, we are reminded that we are travellers from far away places and have come here to bring hope and peace to a troubled planet.  Each and every heart has the capacity to hold onto the original love that we are given so that we may share it in a limitless way.

This vessel we call the heart has many functions and purposes that allow us to be and become so much more than we have been able to imagine this far.  We have the ability to love and learn while the beating of our physical heart is keeping us healthy and well.  This same vessel has the ability to withstand brokenness and betrayal and yet it still finds the courage and the strength to forgive.

Our hearts have the capacity to withstand all things that life would challenge us with and as it keeps on beating, blessing and loving us through these moments we evolve and grow ever stronger and wiser.  Let us use that wisdom peacefully to encourage each other.

How precious is our heart when we are able to bless and release all the hurt it holds inside.

FULL MOON= the reflection of light both day & night
FULL HEART= the power to love in darkness & light
FULL BLESSINGS= the expansion of love & Divine insight