If Our Words Were Birds . . .


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: came in the form of a poem . . .
a very strong message for us to consider the power of our words
and how they affect others . . . If our words are birds – then they should be heard.

If our words were birds – where would they go
As they leave our soul carrying what we know
Would they soar so high they could touch the sky
Or would their wings feel heavy and too sad to fly

If our words were birds – would we love them enough
As they reflect who we are carrying all of our ‘stuff’
Would they be happy and feel joy just to be free
Or would they find a place to hide in a tree

If our words were birds – what would they show
As the world observes us letting them go
Would they be respected by everyone who heard
Or be judged and criticized for just being a bird

If our words were birds – what sound would there be
As each bird is unique and heard differently
Would they be valued as precious and rare
Or might they feel too self conscious to share

If our words were birds – and they gathered together
As souls often do when they react to the weather
Would they find comfort together as one happy family
Or would they feel uncomfortable, lost and lonely

If our words were birds – what kind would they be
As each type of bird brings different colours to see
Would they all be found equal and beautiful to behold
Or would they be separated by what they were told

If our words were birds – they should be genuine and true
As each simple word makes us joyful or blue
Would they want to sing like there is no tomorrow
Or silently share their worry and sorrow

If my words are birds – then I share them with love
As the parrot, the crow or the winsome grey dove
They each have a role to play in my tomorrow
From the greatest Condor; to the tiniest Sparrow.

By Donna Hamilton November 7th, 2016